Back To Life and Normality

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(Bit short but I had no idea what to add to make it longer)

"Thanks, Happy! See you after school," I exclaimed as I hopped out of the car. We shared a wave before I started skipping giddily to school like it was my first day again. It was still early unfortunately so no one but the teachers were already there but I did not really care.

I hopped over to my old locker and started shoving my things back in there messily. I placed my last book on the bottom of the locker, smiling proudly, and checked the time. I had about ten minutes before class would start which should mean...

"Greedo shot first!"

"No, it was obviously Han Solo!"

"Are you guys still arguing about this? It has been months!" I asked in disbelief, shutting my locker to reveal my bewildered expression.

"Hailey! You're back, thank god I was getting bored of Peter!" Ned sighed in relief making me laugh as Ned pulled me in a short hug.

"Dude!" Peter exclaimed giving him an offended look before turning to me. "Good to have you back."

"Good to be back," I replied grinning.

"Greedo shot first!"

"No he didn't, you idiot!"

"Well we can at least agree on one thing," I started, putting my hands on their shoulders drawing them in. "Star Wars sucks," I whispered in their ears before walking to class.

"Take that back right now!"

"We know where you live!"


"Boo...! You suck!" I yelled at the small tv as Han Solo appeared onscreen.

"You really hate him that much?" Peter asked in disbelief, looking down at me. It was Saturday and we were laying on his bed watching Star Wars as my eyes burned from watching creepy white guys harass women.

"Yes! He is a creepy old guy who sucks and who makes my eyes burn like they are in their own personal hell!"

"Well, what do you want to watch?"

"Anything but this. Literally anything else, Parker."

"You do know that's pretty vague?"

"You are obsessed with old movies right?"

"I wouldn't say obsessed-"

"Pfffft-yeah, okay, sure," I mocked laughing, not being able to keep a straight face as Peter went red. "Anyway, since you love old movies, do you have Back to the Future? I like those movies, they are one of the only movies I could watch in between working." I confessed making his face light up with glee like a little kid on Christmas.

"You like Back to the Future?"

"Yeah, who does not?" He grinned before flipped off the bed easily and searched through a tiny bookshelf until he found three old movie cases. He smiled goofily before popping the first one into his tv and setting the others on top.

"I meant the first one. You do know each one is about 2 hours right?" I asked amused at his eagerness before he flopped back on his bed next to me.

"If we're watching the first one we have to watch all of them," he reasoned as he adjusted his sitting position. As the movie started, I leaned slightly onto Peter comfortably making him go red in my peripheral vision. I suppressed a smile, watching Marty come into frame, plugging a tiny guitar into the giant speaker and blowing it up.

Halfway through the movie, when young Lorraine meets (and sexually harasses) Marty I heard Peter 'yawn.' And when I say 'yawn' I mean it was the fakest yawn I have ever heard in my entire life.

He stretched both arms out as his mouth gaped open dramatically. He laid down one hand on the bed just like it had sat before after he closed his mouth and the other lightly placed on my shoulder. He was beet red with his eyes still locked on the tv as his hand draped from my shoulder loosely.

I pursed my lips to act nonchalant, suppressing a smile, and leaned my head on his shoulder. I lifted my hand and laced my fingers with his on my shoulder casually. Dork.

"Why is his mom such a creep, you would think in the 50s she would be a little more shy?"

"I know right? It's so weird how she was this much of a hypocrite!"

"Exactly like do you even hear yourself at that point?"

We continued like that for the rest of the night, making commentary about all three movies and how stupid some of the characters were.

Finally, the third movie came to a close and as the post-credits rolled through the screen I looked over at Peter. His head was lolled onto my shoulder with his eyes closed and mouth hanging only slightly open. My eyes widened in embarrassment as his head nestled deeper into the crook of my neck.

I checked my inner clock and realized it was 12:43 AM, knowing I would never get back home in time for my curfew. And knowing my father, he was still probably awake. I opened messages in my database and thought out my text. Yes, I can text in my head and no I do not have time to explain it to you.

Spoiled Brat💙
I am staying at MJ's place tonight so I will not get home.

Egotistical Nightmare 🥱
Weird, you don't usually do sleepovers
Will your battery last through the night?

Spoiled Brat💙
Yeah plus remember I have sleep mode I can just turn that on until it is time to leave.

Egotistical Nightmare 🥱
When did you install sleep mode I didn't authorize you to mess with your system

Spoiled Brat💙
Oh MJ is calling me I have to go!

Egotistical Nightmare 🥱
How did you get into your systems?!

I exited out of messages and looked over at Peter's sleeping face (totally not creepy, by the way). He looked completely relaxed, something that is very hard to come across with him. Cute.

"Guess I am stuck here..." I sighed quietly to myself. "You want to play solitaire with me? No? I thought so, I just wanted to be polite," I mused quietly, laughing at my sad excuse for humor. I was too bored for solitaire so I opened my sleep mode settings.

Would you like to activate sleep mode?
Yes No

Sleep mode activated

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