Get Through and Get Over It

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Fun Trivia Fact: This chapter is only the second time Hailey called Peter by his actual superhero name, Spider-Man, out of 57 chapters! Haha... 57 chapters...what am I doing with my life?

Also, I get notified when people vote on a chapter and I find it really entertaining to watch people read my 10-hour book in one day so...keep doing that, you know who you are and I see you. 👀 and love you but that's beside the point.

As we walked toward the schools' entrance, people surrounded us with flashing lights from cameras and signs, some for protests, some by fans. Reporters all talked at the same time to cameras as people screamed different things but I kept my eyes forward, ignoring them as I walked forward beside Peter and in front of MJ and Ned.

WARNING: Processing overload. Please seek a silent, empty area.

I started to reach out for Peter's hand instinctively but stopped myself. You'll make it worse, robo-freak. I winced at my thought and instantly put my hand back at my side.

That was until Peter saw and grabbed my hand without hesitation, squeezing it assuringly and I squeezed back, taking a deep breath.

"Hailey! Hailey, we love you! Hailey, are you gonna have his Robo-spider babies?" If I had a drink (and could drink) I would be doing a spit take.

"Mysterio forever!


"Where's your off button?!"

"Back off!" I heard Ned demand at one of the psychos who were trying to hop the guard fence.

"Who are you?" One girl shot back with a glare at him.

"I'm Ned Leeds. I'm Spider-Man's..." Ned started but was interrupted by Flash popping up from behind him.

"Peter Parker's best friend. You come at my boy? You come at Flash Thompson. You wanna read about our inspiring friendship? You can now from my new book, Flashpoint. One spider, two hearts, a million crazy-ass memories. Check it out," Flash promoted making me roll my eyes at him and keep walking.

When we got to the stairs to the building we were stopped by security guards who pulled Peter in first and scanned his body with handheld metal detectors. When they were done they shoved him forward and looked at me.

"Really guys? Really?" I tested with a raised eyebrow and a warning look making the two security guards share a look before pushing me forward with Peter.

"Go. Go. go. go. Go!" They urged, trying to shove both of us along as we looked at our friends.

"We'll see you inside, okay?" I planned out and MJ nodded, looking stressed out or more so than usual which I couldn't help her. We walked up the stairs and entered the school with more stairs waiting for us. When we finally got to the floor we needed to be on we were greeted with Mr. Dell, Mr. Harrison, and Coach Wilson waiting for us in front of a glass case shelf that had various...merch products?

"Keep watching Midtown News all year as we bring you up close and personal coverage of Peter fighting his biggest battle yet: college admissions!" I heard Betty on the school news announce theatrically on the tv in the hallway. Well, at least she got her big break.

"Peter. H.A.I.L.E.Y," Mr. Dell greeted us dramatically, spelling out my name in the abbreviated form causing Peter and I to share a look before slowly turning back to the awkwardly standing teachers. "We would love to... welcome you back... to Midtown High. Where we shape heroes," he continued and gestured to the banner behind them that was over the shrine-like case.

"Uh-huh," Mr. Harrison nodded, also gesturing to the banner as our coach stood there with Honestly, I didn't know what he was doing but it looked like he was trying to smile, showing his teeth in a grimace sort of way.

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