It All Goes To Hell and Back

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Fun Trivia Fact #3: Hailey #2 has killed 329 men and 118 women all around her world. What a cultural icon.

"Okay, quick question," Peter spoke up making me draw my attention to him as we watched TV in my apartment, a few days after the Mysterio incident.

"Yeah?" I urged him to continue and he took out an item from his pocket, revealing the silver and blue glasses that father had given him after his death. I realized I had never actually seen them on him, always not there or asleep when he wears them. He put them on with a nervous, expecting look and I had to hold back my wince.

"How do I look?" Peter asked hopefully and I felt my face freeze in an awkward, wide smile.

"Uh..." I trailed off unsurely.

"Is it really that bad?"

"No, it's just..." I trailed off, trying to find the right words. I had become more open with Peter about my raging parental issues after our fight but that didn't make it any more easy or less awkward to talk about. "My father used me for sex trafficker bait, free child labour and basically enslaved me for most of my life. So, you know, I don't really want my boyfriend looking like that man so let's just save these for serious threats, shall we?" I laughed uneasily and took off the glasses, folding them inside themselves and delicately placing them on the coffee table. I cupped his taken aback face in my hands and gave him a sympathetic smile as I studied his now bare face.

"That's better," I smiled and pecked his lips softly which he instantly returned.

"I love you," Peter sighed against my forehead for probably the thousandth time.

"I love you too," I returned and pecked his lips again until a odd look crossed his face. "What?"

"I'm sorry," he whispered with guilt evident in his voice making me furrow my eyebrows at the statement and his avoiding eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked softly, moving my head so he was forced to look at me when he tried to turn his eyes away from me in remorse.

"I've been so obsessed with being like Mr- him that I never thought about how much that hurt you," he sighed in regret and I pursed my lips, remembering the utter helplessness I felt when he kept trying to copy my father. I paused, trying to figure out how to respond before landing on the right words that satisfied me.

"It's okay. Seriously. Peter, I know how much you want to be like him but you aren't. You're your own person. And if you were my father you would constantly ignore me, brush off any of my ideas or plans, and then take my plans and pretend you came up with them. And let's be real, that could never happen," I laughed at the inane thought and he chuckled with me.

"We're good?"

"We're good," I smiled and pressed my forehead against his to enjoy the blissful moment a few seconds longer.

"Pepper's going to kill me," I muttered as I thought back to all my life decisions that led me here. We drove in the large truck to the safe house May and Peter were living at. The safe house we were taking the lost criminals to to experiment on them like lab rats. It was one thing to skip out on baby sitting duty to fight weirdos and save people, it was another to risk an infinite number of lives for six psychopaths. Am I being a bit heartless? Maybe. But I get a pass since I literally am heartless.

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