Grounded and Imprisoned

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Haha I wrote a new chapter instead of studying for my final :'D

Systems reopening...

Please wait...

Good morning, H.A.I.L.E.Y. Stark.

My eyes shot open to reveal a sickening familiar white room, like a hospital but more unorganized and scattered scrap metal. The smell of oil was still in the air and combined with the rancid copper smell that reeks like thousands of dirty pennies made a disgusting combo. Wait this cannot be...oh no.

"Good morning. Or night I should say," a familiar voice said with fake cheer in their voice. Father slammed down a screwdriver onto a metal table and turned sharply towards me, greeting me with a furious expression making me freeze. "What...were you thinking? Do you know how many people could have died? How you could've died!" He yelled, furious and breathing deeply most likely trying to calm himself but failing terribly.

"I did not mean to, okay? I just- I just wanted to be a part of something where I did not have to hide in a dingy room and do nothing besides typing into a computer! ...Is Peter okay?" I asked, concerned. Oh god, what if he is dead? Dead because of me?

"He's fine. I mean, his pride, integrity, and ego are butchered but physically he's fine. I can't say the same thing about the boat you completely destroyed, though."

"Why...why are his pride and ego butchered again? I get the whole integrity bit but not the others," I responded narrowing my eyes in concern. What the hell did father do to that poor kid? We held a staring-like contest for a few moments before he answered my question like we were testing each other to who could make the other the angriest in the fight.

"Well, obviously I can't have a kid running around with a multi-million dollar suit who doesn't know how to properly use it or follow basic instruct-"

"You did what?!" I hissed, stepping off from the charging station, feeling the wires plugged into my neck snap off.

"Oh no, you don't get to interrupt-"

"Oh, you oh no! We both know Parker deserves a suit more than anyone in this world and you decide to take that away from him?! Are you serious? God, you are such a hypocrite!" I yelled making him look even more furious than before and in a quick second I decide if he is already this mad, I have nothing else to lose.

"I mean seriously! Did you know one time I saw him drink 60 ounces of coffee straight one morning? 60 ounces! And it was because he spent the entire night patrolling, patrolling like he does every single day since he got these powers! Making sure everybody's safe! And you, of all people, have the nerve to give that kid the 'hero' speech?!" I ranted, glaring at him as he glared at me, harsher than ever, shocking me for a moment but I still stood my ground.

"Suit. Now." He snapped holding out his hand, looking furious as we both narrowed our eyes at each other. Like father, like daughter.

I swallowed hard and reached down my shirt and gripped the blue rhombus before pulling it out my chest with ease. I handed it to him begrudgingly, slamming it down in his hand.

"No suit for three-no four months. No going out late at night, no crime-fighting, no friends, no Parker for as long as I feel like it since apparently we can do whatever we want." He lectured as we both stared hard at each other. Fine, I can live with that.

"Fine. Take away the only reason I was even created in the first place. See if I care," I said in defeat as he looked at me with guilt for a moment before it was gone.

"And no school. Ever. You stay in this tower like freaking Rapunzel until we move up-state and then you stay there until I say so." That got my attention.

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