New Teams and Explanations

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Third Person POV

Harley Keener stood in front of the a relatively nice Apartment building in Queens after sorta maybe kinda stalking his childhood friend to know where she lived because she refused to tell him because he "shows up randomly without an invite" and "eats all of her food meant for other people."

With his old backpack slung around his shoulder, he walked up the stairs and through the glass door. A receptionist who looked like he would rather be in hell than here stood behind his desk, typing away on his computer.

"Who are you here to see?" The man drawled emotionlessly, not letting his eyes leave his computer.

"Uh....Hailey?" Harley trailed off like it was a question making the man look up from his computer. He didn't know what last name she went by now so it could've been anything.

"Uh Hailey?" The man repeated, staring him down.

"She's an old friend. Can't remember her last name," he laughed awkwardly making the man raise an eyebrow. Harley pulled out twenty bucks, a laughable amount for a bribe but for a barely paid receptionist, it was enough. He slid the crisp bill across the counter and the man eyed it before stuffing it in his front pocket.

It also didn't hurt that the man thought Hailey and her boyfriend were super strong demon monsters and wanted them gone.

"Penthouse," the receptionist said simply before throwing Harley the keys to the floor, surprising him.

"Thanks," he grinned before strutting to the shiny elevator and putting in the key before pressing the button. He wasn't surprised she was in the penthouse. He would've been more surprised if she wasn't, to be honest.

When the doors slid open, a grand living room appeared, still not surprising Harley. The smell of oil, smoke, and a lot of perfume that poorly covered up the oil and smoke hit him instantly, a familiar smell that he knew all too well.

"Hailey!" He called out, smirking but got no response from his childhood friend making him frown.

"Welcome, Harley Keener. Hailey is currently at work because "James is a dumbass," according to her," Friday announced out of nowhere making him jump but quickly readjust.

"Hey, Friday," he chuckled at the familiar AI. "When's Hailey coming back?"

"In 15 minutes," she responded making Harley sigh in relief he didn't have to wait long to freak her out and annoy her to death. "Or three hours."


"She said "it depends on whether or not those morons can get the instructions through their thick skulls,"" Friday recited making him laugh. That's the Hailey he knew.

He looked around the brightly lit room, an entire wall made out of glass displaying the view over the city. A view was a given for Hailey's first apartment since she never got the privilege to have a view or a window for most of her life. Never know when someone could see a strange child in the window of a playboy billionaires house.

Everything from the smallest detail in the penthouse screamed Hailey from the bookshelf's in the kitchen and cabinets to the superhero figurines proudly displayed on shelves. Another thing catching Harleys eye was an alarming amount of figurine space dedicated to various forms of the famous Spider-Man, even some with a lot of collector value.

Harley quirked an eyebrow at that but continued to snoop around finding a familiar glass done around a diamond shaped device. Hailey's nanotech unit?

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