Loose Ends That End Badly

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I knocked on the ajar door, a little nervous but I knew someone had to talk to her, be there for her. She looked up from the small tv that stood on the other side of the relatively empty room which only had a bed, a nightstand, and the tv in it. I had not seen her room until now since I was under house arrest aka actually arrested and stuck in a cell in Avengers Tower for 6 months to make sure Ultron was officially out of my head.

"Hey," I greeted quietly, glancing at the tv playing an old sitcom. "What are you watching?"

"I love Lucy," Wanda weakly smiled as she looked at the old show then back to me. "Have you heard of it?" She asked politely but paused. "Well you probably have heard of it since you know everything," she mused, laughing humorlessly to fill the air of awkwardness.

"Yes, I have heard of it but the great thing about sitcoms is you can have watched an episode but still enjoy it all the same," I smiled as I sat hesitantly beside her on the plainly dressed bed.

It has been only a few weeks since Sokovia and everyone was still uneasy. Bruce was gone, Pietro was dead and everyone could feel the emptiness they left. It was weird how even after they were accomplices in my kidnapping and how they unknowingly worked for nazis we still became actual friends.

I watched the tv as a group of men followed a pretty black-haired lady through the living room as Lucy, I presumed, watched them startled.

"Light? Light? Light?" They asked the unnerved woman when she picked up a cigarette and lifted it to her overdrawn lips.

"So the joke is they find the woman attractive and are idiots?" I spoke up curiously, never really have gotten the 'deal' with human entertainment. Wanda smiled at my comment, something anyone rarely does except for occasionally Thor or Bruce, both of whom were now gone.

"Basically," Wanda nodded not looking away from the black and white show. We continued to watch the show in silence as I tried to think of something, anything, to say.

"I do not presume to know exactly what you are feeling but I have lost a sibling before," I spoke up causing her to glance at me. "He was not...human but he was one of the only friends I had for... well, most of my life."

"What was his name?"

"U. He was an arm robot as stupid as that sounds. He died in an explosion a year ago and Dumm-E barely made it out. I am not comparing because I know Humans are the superior race or whatever but I just want to know we have all gone through loss and we are here for you. We may not understand what you are feeling but we want and we will try to," I promised genuinely, hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Thank you," she whispered giving me a small, weak smile and I returned it.

Sleep mode deactivated.

I woke up with a start, my head falling on my pillow with Peter sitting up and breathing heavily next to me, sweating.

"Peter?" I spoke up with concern with a slight slur, placing a hand on his shoulder but he immediately flinched at the contact making me put my hand away in concern and hurt. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's fine. Go back to sleep, Hails, I'm fine," Peter assured as he ran his hands through his hair nervously and gave me a fake confident smile in the darkness of my room. I sighed at his lie before flicking my wrist making the lamp on my bedside table turn on and sat up with him.

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