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That's the Curse of Being Young

Based on: "thrifted youth" by Dalynn

Background: Reader and Iceland grew up together. When Denmark and Norway finally decided to take Iceland, they found the reader with him. Although the reader and Iceland are siblings, Norway is not the reader's sibling because they have no trace of Norway in their veins, unlike Iceland.

TW: Alcohol, depressing topics

Third Person POV:

They say we're a lost cause

Just corpses filled with fear and lust

Socked feet hit against the wooden floor of the home. The blanket draped around [Y/N]'s shoulders drag on the floor behind them. The only light shining into the home was the moonlight that peeked in through the windows. They approach the backdoor and quickly exit, not caring about how the cold cement nipped at their feet. They walked into the maze of the garden that Sweden insisted on keeping.

They continue their trek, walking down the different paths. They take turns here and there with no hesitation in their actions. They stop at the entrance of the large clearing in the center of the labyrinth. A beautiful water fountain, which was currently turned off, being the centerpiece of the long walk. Another body patiently sat on the fountain, as if waiting for [Y/N].

Trade all our love away

Because we never learned to trust

"Hey..." He begins, his violet eyes staring down the bright ones of his sibling.

"Hey..." They responded, a solemn smile spread across their face. They approach the fountain and sit beside Iceland. A large, brown paper bag was resting beside him, the contents obscured from [Y/N]'s vision. As [Y/N] sat down, they offered to share their blanket with Iceland, who graciously accepted. After all, sleep attire can only keep the two of them warm for so long, no matter how used to the cold they are.

We're sugar-coated sweethearts

Swimming through pools of toxic waste

"So, why'd you show up this time." He asks. His violet eyes scan the droopy body of their sibling. The two huddle closer together, enjoying the warmth they share.

"You should already know by now. Finland was being a major helicopter mom." They lean against their brother, who glanced down to notice their lack of footgear.

"That bad huh? You forgot to put on some shoes again, idiot." Iceland reaches into the bag next to him and pulls out two fuzzy slippers. [Y/N] smiles, seeing that the slippers he hands them matched the ones he was wearing. They mutter him a thank you and accept the slippers. Their feet sang prayers of gratitude as the warmth of the silk caresses them.

"What about you?" [Y/N] begins, eyeing their brother who had looked away. "Was it Norway or Denmark this time?"

"...Both..." Iceland's answer makes [Y/N] hum. Their eyes look around at the clearing of the maze. Various types of flowers were growing all thanks to the help of Sweden and Finland. A good majority of them were purple due to the flowers mostly being of Scandinavian origin. Some wolfsbane here, a few wood cranesbills there. It was a miracle that Finland was able to keep so many of them alive.

The acid burns our throats, but

We've grown accustomed to the taste

The two quietly sit for a moment, simply enjoying each other's company without the hassle of the others there. Iceland then reaches into the bag next to him. [Y/N] watches curiously as he shuffles around. A second or two passes and he pulls out some snacks. He hands [Y/N] a bottle of their favorite alcohol as well as some potato chips. Iceland does the same, but with licorice instead of the chips.

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