NA Bros and Spain

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Make It Up

Request: America, Canada, and Spain with Mexico!Reader

Reader's POV:

"I just don't get it, man, why can't he just accept it?" I growl out, watching as others begin to leave the meeting room. Canada nods beside me, letting me know he's listening. We didn't pay any attention to the meeting, mostly because at this point we didn't care.

"He's quite proud of himself this time, huh?" Canada asks. He opens a tamarindo lollipop that I gave him earlier and pops it into his mouth. I let out an exaggerated sigh and sink into my seat.

"Ugh, yeah. I love Spain, don't get me wrong, but his 'innocent' personality pisses me off sometimes. Like bro, he can't just pretend that I don't know what he did!" I throw my arms up, a scowl settling on my face.

"Yo! Canada, Mexico, how are my two favorite sibs?!" America happily runs up to us. Very few countries are left in the room. Those that remain are chatting away with each other, just like me and my brothers. I sigh and lazily reach into my bag, pulling out two more tamarindo lollipops. I chuck one at America, who easily catches it, before ripping open my own and stuffing it into my mouth. "Thanks [Y/N]!"

I nod my head at him in response and proceed to get up, grabbing my bag and everything. Canada follows behind me, settling Kumajiro into his arms. The sneaky bear tries to take Canada's lollipop from his mouth but I swat at his paws to stop him. Canada speaks up for both of us as we all walk out of the room. "We're fine Alfred, thanks for asking."

"Is that so? Then what's up with grumpy pants over here?" Alfred pokes my cheek, causing my eye to twitch. I bat his hand away and angrily grumble swear words at him from under my breath. Alfred simply laughs before popping his own lollipop into his mouth. "Is it Spain again?"

"Mattie, you tell him, please. I'm much too angry to repeat it all." I lowly mumble out. Matthew sighs before answering Alfred, his lollipop about halfway done now. What the heck, does he bite those things?

"Spain cheated at their monthly poker game as revenge for [Y/N] winning the Mario kart competition you hosted. Now [Y/N] has to deep clean the entire house without his help." Alfred lets out a small whistle, letting the words settle in. 

"Yikes, that bad, huh?"

"You should see how dirty Romano has left the bathrooms!" I yell, startling Matthew. Alfred chokes on his spit, trying his best not to break out laughing. I glare at him and cross my arms. The front entrance of the building enters our view. "That boy has no sense of hygiene unless he's going on a date. Spain is the only one that can get his lazy ass to move but he refuses to help me this time."

"Don't you win like, almost every game though? I mean, you're one of the only countries to stand up against Ireland, Macau, and Monaco when it comes to that shit." Alfred states, trying to play devil's advocate. I sigh and frown, letting my anger slowly dissipate.

"I mean, yeah, but I've been slightly losing my touch ever since my government has been tightening up the law around gambling." The two nod their heads, letting me know they heard. Matthew chucks his now clean stick into a nearby trashcan as we exit the building. I eye him weirdly. "What the hell Mattie. How did you finish that so fast, did you bite it?"

He simply shrugs as the three of us laugh. Before I could make another comment about his weird eating habits, a loud yell stops us. The three of us turn around, my hand on the door ready to exit. The hold on my popsicle tightens at the sight of Spain running towards us. Despite my annoyance at him, his bright smile encourages me to give a small one of my own. My lips twitch as I attempt to frown, an annoyed look on my face.

"[Y/N]! Hello! Ah, hello Alfred, hello Matthew!" Spain excitedly cheers. My two brothers respond to him with their own smaller greetings. I let go of the door and cross my arms, raising an eyebrow to let him know I'm waiting for whatever he was going to say. His smile simply widens as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a container, a container presumably holding food. He extends his arm out to offer it to me but before I can take it, Alfred swipes it from Spain's hand.

"Alfred! What the hell man!" I slightly shove the man-child, who only responds with his obnoxious laughter. He opens the container and holds it away from me. I reach out to try and take it back, frustrated as he simply holds me back. Canada and Spain simply chuckle, watching the scene unfold.

"Woah, Tonio, these cookies look hella good!"

"Ah, thank you, Alfred," Spain practically beams at the compliment. I finally manage to grab the container without dropping the supposed cookies. I playfully scowl at America's loud laughter. Canada rolls his eyes beside me and leans over my shoulder to peek into the container. I look inside as well, my posture relaxing and a small smile appearing on my face at the sight. In the container were multiple polvorones, a type of Mexican cookie, in the shapes of skulls. The icing on each cookie was colorful and unique, obviously meant to represent a catrin and catrina.

"I know you're still mad at me for beating you at our game night," My smile twitches at Spain's words and I shoot him a glare. He avoids my gaze, rubbing the back of his neck as sweat rolls down his face from my intense gaze. Alfred tries to sneak a cookie but I swat his hand away. "But surely you can't be mad at me forever! Día de Los Muertos is days away and you know how much I love your celebrations. Forgive me, please."

He pouts at me and it takes all of my strength to not pout back. I look away and try to hold back a groan of frustration. I sigh and smile at him, his pout vanishing at the sight.

"Alright, alright Antonio. You're forgiven for cheating." he winces and looks away, sheepishly smiling. "But you are going to have to help me clean the house, especially the bathrooms."

"Nooo, but Romano-"

"Exactly!" I grin at him, already knowing what he was going to whine about. I finally hand Alfred a cookie, giving a cookie to Matthew as well. Alfred instantly devours it while Matthew takes his time. "It's either that or you don't get to join me on the main float..."

"Ok, ok, I'll do it. The things I do for you." Antonio sighs, reaching out to ruffle my hair. 

"Like cheat?" I chuckle, letting his fingers sift through my hair for a bit. I pull away and finally open the door, letting the four of us walk out of the building. "Anyway, Alfred, Mattie, you two are coming, right?"

"You bet I am."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."


1202 words

Published: April 4, 2021

Thank you for the request!

Oh man, writer's block sucks ass. I am so sorry this took so long.

Fun fact, I'm from Mexico! I live in America but I visit my family in Mexico every year, so it was nice to write about something I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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