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Try it, I dare you

(Human au)

Readers POV

I walked down my school's hallways, talking with my friend. We were just making casual conversation when I heard a voice call out to me from behind.

"Yo! [Y/N]!" I let out a groan and turn around to face the guy. My friend snickering at my misfortune.

"What do you want Gaston? Make it quick, I gotta pick up my brother." Gaston stops in front of me, his girlfriend surprisingly not with him.

Don't get me wrong, they aren't bad people. They just annoy the shit out of me. Gaston and his girlfriend, Kimberly, are always trying to be friends with me. It was nice at first, but when I learned they just wanted to get on my good side to get teacher's benefits, it got annoying real quick. Nobody hates me in this school, but I'm not really popular either. People just know me as the kid who's on every teacher's good side. I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten bullied yet for being a "teacher's pet."

"So I'm having a party tonight, now that spring break has begun-"

"Yeah yeah, I know about your party."

"Right, well, I was wondering if you were gonna be there." I hummed while my friend chuckled beside me, already knowing my answer.


"What, why not?" I adjust my backpack strap before walking off with my friend.

"Cause I have better things to do. Unlike you, I have a brother to help take care of. Maybe next time? C'ya!" I sent a small wave and with that I had walked out of the school. Me and my friend said our goodbyes, promising to hang out during spring break.

I began to head over to my brother's elementary school to pick him up. Both our parents work all day, and I failed my drivers license last time, so I usually just walk over there and we walk home together. We're not a poor family, we actually are doing pretty well. But both my parents wanted to put their degrees to use, so they just agreed to both have a job. Me and Matthew don't mind though. They usually arrive home around 5pm and spend the rest of their day with us. They're pretty caring parents.

We adopted Matthew when he was just 3. My parents found out that my dad had gotten second infertility after I was born, which sucked cause now they couldn't have another child. They didn't care though and decided to adopt. I'm a sophomore this year while Matthew is in 5th grade. Matthew is a lot more mature for his age, but he's still a pretty goofy kid. Too bad he's basically too shy to do almost anything in public.

As I neared the school I could hear teenage laughter in the parking lot. I ignore it though, looking at the schools entrance trying to find Matthew in his usual spot. I start to panic when I can't see him, until I hear the laughter get louder and a small voice whispering to give back 'kumakoro.' I head over to the sound of the laughter finding myself at a minivan. There I see Kimberly and her three friends standing in front of it. In Kimberly's hand I see a very familiar polar bear plushie.

"Give it back!" The soft whispers of Matthew's voice calls out. He looks like he looks wants to reach out to grab it but is scared. "Please give it back!"

"Aww, or what? What are you gonna do? Cry? Aren't you a little too old for this anyway?" One of Kimberly's friends mocks. I can see Matthew shaking, I guess he's trying his best not too cry. He's always been a bit more emotional.

"Say, how about we sell this? I think we can earn a pretty good amount for this bear. What do you think, girls?" Kimberly asks as her friends laugh. Just before anyone could say anything, I walk up behind Matthew.

"Try it. I dare you." Kimberly's friends instantly shut up as Kimberly looks away from them and towards me. As soon as she sees me, I can see her brain literally scream that she fucked up. And boy, did she fuck up.

"[Y/N]! It's not- It's not what you think!" She tries to explain herself, the bear clutched tightly in her hand.

"Oh really now? It's not what I think? Cause I'm pretty sure it is what I think. It's honestly kind of pathetic that you guys would pick on a grade schooler. He's literally like 10 years old. You stooped pretty low Kimberly. Pretty low. Now give him the fucking bear." I feel Matthew rap his arms around my waist, burying his face into my stomach.

"L- Listen [Y/N]. You don't know this kid, for all you know he's manipulative bitch." She tries to reason with me, but I can see the panic in her eyes.

"Really? I guess you're right." I lace my voice with sarcasm as I pick Matthew up in my arms. "I didn't know my brother was a manipulative bitch. Why didn't you tell me Matthew?" I put on a shocked expression as I press our foreheads together. Mathew giggles at me.

"Holy shit. I-I didn't know he was you're brother. [Y/N] I-"

"Shut up Kimberly and give me the bear." At this she hands me the bear, which I place into Matthews arms. I place him on the ground and help him put on his backpack which was previously on the floor. "Tell your boyfriend I don't want to hear anything from either of you during spring break. If either of you even bother to try and contact me, so help me I will do something. Don't know what but i promise you it won't be pretty" With that I walk off, holding Matthews hand.

"Thank you [Y/N]. I thought I was going to lose Kumagana." I laugh at him as he rubs his eyes with his arm, clutching onto his polar bear.

"Again Matthew, it's Kumajiro. If you're not gonna remember it, you might as well should just call him Kuma." He whines at this, kicking a pebble as we walk.

"But just Kuma sounds boring. His full name sounds so much cooler. I promise i'll get it right next time! Right Kumajoro?" Ah well, close enough. I ask him about his day and he responds pretty alright. He describes what he did in class and how he was waiting for me before the girls started to pick on him. After a while though, he goes quiet. I don't bother him as we continue home, only being 10 more minutes away.


"Yes Mattie?" He giggles at his nickname before letting go of my hand. I see him clutch his bear harder out of the corner of my eye.

"Do you think I'm weak? A lot of the kids don't notice me at school and the mean girls said it was because I was weak." I let out a small hum, trying to think of an answer.

"Of course you're not weak Mattie. And hey, even if you were, so what? All kids are weak and as we grow up we get stronger and stronger. I bet you'll be 10x stronger than I am when you're in highschool. Besides, it's like you said, those girls are mean, they don't know what they're talking about. And those kids who don't notice you are probably blind or something. Ooh, maybe they're like bats! Bats are almost blind, but they can see based on what they hear! Great, first snake people and now bat people! What's next, raccoon people?" Matthew laughs at my answer, clearly enjoying the thought of animals disguised as people. He calms down after a bit before speaking again.

"Can we make cupcakes at home? And surprise mom and dad again? I want to make maple cupcakes!"

"Maple? Again? Why not cinnamon? Or strawberry cupcakes?" He laughs again.

"No! Maple cupcakes please!" I laugh with him.

"Oh alright, but if you add too much maple again I'm gonna lock you up for 100 years!" He runs ahead of me as I take large steps, making sure to seem like I was going to catch him but still keeping a distance.

"Try it! I dare you!" He looks back at me and sticks his tongue out. I laugh.

"You sneaky little bear!" We laugh as we run home. And I mentally prepare myself for the mess about to be made in the kitchen.


It has been a while since I've updated. Sorry, haha. Please take a look at the author's note "PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING" I promise I'll try better to actually write haha.

Published July 17, 2020

1425 words

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