Norway + Older!F!Reader

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One Last Time

Based on: "Stay Alive (Reprise)" from the musical Hamilton

(human a.u)   |   Background: takes place somewhere in the 1600s in Denmark

TW: Death, angst

Reader's POV:

'Stay alive, please, just stay alive.'

The words seem stuck in my head as I repeat them over and over. As soon as I reach Matthias' home I burst through the entrance. Just as I do, the local doctor exits from a nearby room. I rush to him, lifting my dress as to not trip.

"Where is my brother?!" I shriek as I tightly grasp the doctor's blouse. His eyes are filled with pity while mine are filled with tears.

"Miss [Y/N]. I'm glad you can make it. They brought him in a while ago. He has lost a good amount of blood on the wa-"

"Is he alive?!" I interrupt him. Just the mention of him bleeding out springs more tears to my eyes. I don't care about being lady-like at the moment. I clench my teeth. All I care about is my brother.

"Yes, but you have to understand. The sword pierced right above his right hip, the tip reaching all the way to-"

"Can I see him, please?" Pitiful sobs escape me. My face flushes red as tears spill from my eyes. He sends me another pitiful look. He softly grabs my hands and pulls them away from his shirt. My knuckles slowly gain their pink color again, having been previously pale due to the strong grip I had him in.

"Very well, but please know I have done everything I could. His wound was unfortunately infected by the time he arrived. I'm sorry." His hands briefly squeeze mine as a sort of apology. My eyesight blurs as he leads me towards the door. He opens it for me before leaving.

There was Lukas laying on the bed, bandages wrapped around his stomach. I stand at the door, a hand covering my mouth and the other clenching the fabric of my dress. Matthias hovers over Lukas, their hands held in a tight grasp as they talk to each other.

"I did exactly as you said, I held my head up high," Lukas mutters to Matthias.

"I know, I know," Matthias repeats, his hand tightening around Lukas's. Matthias keeps repeating the two words, trying his best to hold back tears. Their words click in my head. I glance at Matthias's grief written expression as I let out another scream. This catches the two men's attention. They turn to look at me as I run up to their sides. 

"Is he going to survive?! Please, Lukas, stay alive, please!" I grasp the hand Matthias had let go of. He stands beside me, guilt and terror painting his face. I can feel my legs tremble. Baby hairs infiltrate my sight, meaning my hair was a mess. With shaky breaths, I turn to glare at Matthias. "Who did this? Matthias, did you know?"

Matthias turns his head away to avoid my gaze. He takes a step back, his body shaking in despair.

"[Y/N], big sister..."

My frantic eyes go back to Lukas, who offers me a small patient smile. He continues, his usually monotone voice taking shaky breaths of his own, "Forgive me for ignoring what you have taught me. You praised so much about avoiding fights, yet here I am."

"Why? Why?" I whisper out, bringing my free hand up to stroke his head. He leans into my touch. My fingers run through his blonde hair. It all takes me back to the times where he was a small child.

"They spoke ill about you. Not only that, they spoke ill things about what they would do to you. I couldn't let those horrible men attempt such things on my sister. I had to duel them... I had to..."

"No! No you didn't, you buffoon, you idiot!" I scowl, misery and despair seeping off me. I glance at his stomach, watching as blood stains the previously clean bandages. My eyes see red as I quickly snap my head in Matthias's direction. "And you! You encouraged him?! How could you?! I-"

Lukas lets out a grunt in pain, making me forget once more about Matthias's existence. My wide eyes turn back to Lukas. He scrunches his face up in pain as he grasps his bleeding side. I hold back a scream. Lukas's breaths increase as he opens his eyes to look at me.

"The songs... you would sing me to sleep..." His voice comes out in a mere whisper, fear and acceptance barely noticeable in it. I frantically nod my head, the tears falling from my face at a faster rate. Matthias catches onto the drift and comes to stand behind me. He wraps an arm around my waist as I continue to run my hand through Lukas's hair. My hand holding his hand seems to tighten even more. It practically has no more feeling at this point but it does not matter to me.

"You would always question the words I sang." I quietly chuckle. A sad smile on my face as the tears refuse to stop. I can feel Matthias's arm around me shake as he uncharacteristically stays quiet.

"They were always such strange words..."

"I know, I know," I whisper. Strands of hair seem to stick to my face. Despite the heavy dress I am wearing, a cold chill runs down my back. I lick my chapped licks, just now realizing how thirsty I am. Lukas's hand that was previously grasping his wound rises. He brings it up to his other hand, staining my own with blood.

I retract my hand from his hair and do the same. I put it on top of the two hands clenching mine. I breathe in, making eye contact with him as I sing to him the English song I had learned.

"Tom, he was a piper's son. He learned to play when he was young-"

"Tom... he was a piper's son... He learned to play when he... was young..."

Lukas's broken English cuts me off as he repeats after me. I let out a gasp, having never expected this from him. Yet, I continue to smile sadly and sing on,

"The only tune that he could play, was 'Over the hills and far away.'"

"The only tune... that he could play, was 'Over the hills... and far away...'"

His grip on my hand loosens. His eyes seem to slowly dim as we continue. My smile falls and my red eyes look at him frantically. I lean forward and hold on tighter as if I can just transfer some of my life to him. 

"Over the hills and a long way off, the wind shall blow my top-knot off."

"Over... the hills and a long... way off... the wind shall... blow my..."

His hand falls limp as his body falls back. His glazed eyes stare back at me and I can see his chest rise less and less with each breath. My knees begin to buckle underneath me. My ankles clicking as I shake in my shoes.

"top-knot off... top-knot off!... TOP-KNOT OFF!" I scream out the words, but Lukas doesn't respond back. Instead, his chest falls one last time and everything hits me at once.

I let out a strangled scream as my legs finally give out. The skirt of my dress scrunches up as my body falls to the floor. I don't reach it, however, since Matthias's arms wrap around my waist and hold me up. My hands pull away from Lukas as I cover my face. My limp body leans into Matthias's arms as I let out angry sobs.

I cry in anguish for the brother I have lost.


1265 words

published: February 5, 2021

Thank you BellzChan1 for the request! I'm sorry for the long wait.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted. I was having massive writer's block and honestly had no idea what to write. I recently got back into musicals and this popped into my head. I hope you somewhat enjoyed it haha

The song the reader sings is a 17th-century English tune called "Over the Hills and Far Away"

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