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Oh, We're Screwed

Reader's POV: 

"Prussia, get your ass down here! We promised Germany we would bathe his dogs!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs. We're currently at our rather large and nice home, mostly because the meeting this time is taking place in Germany.

"Why do we have to? They're his dogs." He groans as he runs down the stairs. We're dressed in some comfortable summer clothes that we don't mind getting wet. I roll my eyes as we walk to the storage room to grab the supplies needed. 

"Because your dumb ass decided it was a good idea to let the dogs outside AFTER you flooded the backyard. God, there was mud everywhere."

"Not my fault West can't train his dogs." He continues to complain as we rummage around. I grab a bag full of the supplies we need and roughly shove them into his arms. I grab my own bag and walk out.

"But it is your fault, Germany put you in charge of watching his dogs while we were away. And don't blame Germany, you know he's too soft when it comes to his dogs." We walk outside to see the three dirt-coated dogs happily running around and playing with each other. A small, child-size inflatable pool was already filled with warm water I had prepared earlier. I set down the stuff beside the pool and Prussia follows suit. I check to make sure the water is still hot and look through the bags. "We got everything? Soap? Pails? Brushes? Tow-"

"Ugh, yes, we do, we don't need a list. Can we get started already?" I glare at him before standing up.

"Hey, don't talk to me that way, you should be glad I'm even helping you." He opens and closes his hand in a mocking manner as he mouths what I say. I reach down and grab a pail before chucking it at him. It hits his head and I smirk as he falls down. I whistle to catch the dogs' attention and call out to the largest dog first. "Blackie! Come here, boy!"

The large Doberman happily trots over as Prussia sits up, an annoyed look on his face. I guide Blackie next to the small pool and pick up a second pail from the bag. Using it, I begin to pour the water over the dog as he happily sticks his tongue out.

"C'mon Prussia, help me out."

"Yeah, yeah," Prussia grumbles as he grabs the soap and sponges before joining me. He fills both sponges with soap and hands me one.

Prussia cleans the back of the dog as I clean the paws and underbelly. The other two dogs near us and sniff around before running off again. I laugh as they roll around in the dirt. Prussia looks at me and chucks some water in my direction.

"Hey!" He smirks as I glare at him.

"I thought we might as well give you a bath while we're at it." I roll my eyes and sarcastically laugh.

"Oh har har, how funny," I smirk as I chuck some water back at him. He yells but widens his smile. "Thought it was only fair." He chucks some more at me, causing the dog we're washing to happily wag his tail at the sight of some action. I squeal as he shakes his entire body, splashing both me and Prussia.

After a few minutes of thorough scrubbing and a bunch of wasted water, we manage to get the first dog done. I grab a towel from the bag and start to dry off the large dog.

"Get started on Aster, we'll leave Berlitz for last." After drying Blackie, I let him inside so that he won't get dirty again and join Prussia. It takes us less time to wash the German Shepard, mostly because he's the calmest one out of the three.

"Do you want a cat?" Prussia suddenly asks as he dries off Aster. I glance at him as I guide Berlitz into the small pool. The energetic golden Hovawart happily jumps around in the pool, splashing water everywhere. I smile as I try to calm him down.

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