Italy bros + Female!Reader

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Older than You

Requested: Older Sister reader and Italy bros. Reader represents the country of San Marino

Reader's POV:

I sigh as I walk alongside Veneziano, the sun already half way through the sky. He said he wanted to introduce me to his friends but he hasn't told me who yet. It's already the afternoon and I wanted to stay home.

"Ve~ We're here!" I look around to see we' a field?

"Why couldn't we just meet for dinner or something?"

"Well...the truth is I wanted to use you as an excuse to skip training today. Germany said we were gonna get started on weights, but that's too much work for me." He whimpers as I let out a loud groan. I cross my arms before pinching my nose.

"So you mean to tell me this was a waste of time? I'm going home." I start to walk off, leaving Veneziano behind. "You should have brought Romano or something!"

"Wait [Y/N]! I can't! Romano hates Germany!"

"As weird as it is to admit it, that is quite true." The strong voice says behind me. There is no way Veneziano can ever mimic that deep of a voice. I turn around to see a tall, buff blondie with a shorter male behind him. I let out another groan before returning to Veneziano. He gains a grin as he grabs my arm.

"Germany, Japan, I'd like you all to meet my sister! This is San Marino! San Marino, these are my friends, Germany and Japan!" He pointed to each respectively. I shook hands with Germany and bowed to Japan.

"Nice to meet you both. While I do go by San Marino, I prefer to go by [Y/N]."

"I hope you don't mind me asking Miss, but what part of Italy are you? From my understanding, Italy is north while Romano is south." Oh great, here we go again. I roll my eyes and sigh. I see Germany's eye twitch at my actions.

"It's M'am to you. I'm waaaay older than you ya dope. And I'm not a part of Italy. You heard us clearly. I am San Marino. I may be located in central Italy, but I am not a part of their country. I am my own country. I was established in 301 A.D." I answer with a smug expression. I can see Germany get more annoyed at my cocky response.

"She helped me and Romano during our unification in the 1800s! So cool, ve~" I can feel my pride swell at my younger brother's praise.

"It is an honor to meet you [Y/N]. When I agreed to the treaty with Italy, I read about your history. It was quite interesting." I drop my smug expression and I put on a sincere smile.

"Thank you Japan, it is quite the honor to meet you as well. Your history has to be more interesting than mine! All of the different dynasties and kingdoms, it was quite the read!" I saw him blush for a quick second before he simply smiled, keeping his calm composure.

"Well, it was nice meeting you San Marino. But I must apologize, we were planning on training today. You can join us if you'd like." I hear Veneziano whine besides me. His plan clearly didn't work.

"No thanks. I may be small, but I'm fine for now. I think I'm just gonna go bother Romano at home." I turn to look at my brother, "Veneziano, stay. You have to train with these two."


"No buts. I'll see you at home, m'kay?" He looks deflated but still nods his head. "If you stay the entire practice, I'll cook one of my native dishes." Instantly he brightens up and hugs me. "Alright, alright. Let me go already." With that I bid my goodbyes and head home. 

On the way, I stop by a small flea market nearby and pick up some groceries. Once done I begin walking again and after about twenty or so minutes, I arrive home. With a struggle, I manage to open the front door.

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