Canada x Child!Reader

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To The Rescue!

~3rd Person P.O.V~

Sitting in the car, the small child began to fidget, hugging a polar bear. They were currently on the way to a 'world meeting', at least that is what their brother said.

"What if they don't like me?" The little one asked their brother, who was currently driving, as they clutched the bear even harder. Said brother glanced at the child before answering.

"It's going to be ok. They're gonna like you." He reassured them. 'Or ignore you', he thought to himself.

They soon arrived and parked the car. Canada got out and went to the backseat to help his sibling get out. They walked into the building, hand in hand, the small child still clutching onto the bear.

"Who are you?" Asked the bear, glancing up at the child holding him. Said kid simply giggled and looked at the bear.

"Silly Kumajiro, you know me. You know big brother too!" They let go of their brother and skipped ahead.

"Oh my. Are you lost?" The small child looked up to see a man with bushy eyebrows looking at them with a confused expression. They looked down sheepishly.

"No sir. My brother is here."

"Brother?" They looked up and nodded, hugging Kuma even closer, carefully, to not choke him. "May I ask who you are and who you're brother is?" They were hesitant at first, but soon complied.

"I'm (c/n), but I prefer to be called by my human name - (Y/n). My big brother is Canada!" (Y/n) backed up slightly, fidgeting a little.

"Canada? Now who might that be?" The stranger said to himself, tapping his foot. (Y/n) then felt a presence behind them.

"That would be me, England." (Y/n) looked behind them to see Canada. England looked at Canada, squinting his eyes. He stared at him before his eyes widened a little in surprise.

"Ah! Canada, when did you get there." England asked, confused. Canada sighed.

"I was here the whole time. Listen England, I am sorry for bringing (y/n) here, but I just couldn't seem to find a place to leave them. I just couldn't leave them alone." Canada said as he bent down in front of (Y/n) and took Kuma. He stood up and looked at England, waiting for a response. England's left eye twitched in annoyance before he let out a sigh. He closed his eyes, rubbing his temple.

"Very well. I am not sure if Germany will agree, but I assume they can stay. As long as they stay out of trouble." He answers before walking off. (Y/n) looked at their big brother, confused about the conversation. Canada simply gave them a small smile and took their hand, both of them heading to the meeting.

They soon reach a door. All they hear is arguing with the occasional scream of someone saying "pasta".

"Stay next to me and out of trouble, ok?" Canada glanced at his little sibling, only to see them nod. He opened the door, nobody noticing both of them. They headed over to where Canada had to sit. Canada sat down, not noticing (Y/n) had not followed him.

"Yo! Little dude, whatcha doing here?" (Y/n) looks up to see someone who looked like Canada. Soon enough more people began to notice (y/n)'s presence. They started to bombard the child with questions. The one of the only ones not questioning them were Germany, England, and Canada. England was sitting in his chair, a little annoyed. Germany was furious that a small child had managed to get in and was distracting everyone from the meeting.

Finally, Canada, who was previously on his phone, had noticed that (Y/n) wasn't next to him. He glanced around and noticed that almost everyone was huddled over something. It took him a few seconds to piece everything together, but he soon realized that it was his little sibling that everyone was huddled around. He put Kuma down on his chair, heading over to the small hoard.

All the while, (Y/n) was scared. They weren't used to so many people around them. They were fidgeting like crazy. Moving their weight from one leg to another and looking around, trying to find their big brother. (Y/n) started to shake, tears welling up in their eyes. Immediately everyone was trying to make them stop crying. The countries walked up closer to child, to try and comfort the crying child. However, this only made them even more scared.

Canada tried to push his way towards (Y/n). His sudden movements and 'harsh' pushes somehow made people notice him. They moved to the side, giving him space. Canada picked (Y/n) up into his arms as soon as they were in his sights. (Y/n) hugged their brother, burying their face into the brook of his neck, trying to hide. People were whispering, trying to remember, or figure out, who this man was. Canada simply rolled his eyes and walked over to his seat. Kuma had moved, now sitting on the floor, looked at them as they sat down. He tilted his head in confusion. Canada simply looked at him and shook his head, signalling him not to ask.

Everyone returned to their seats, continuing the 'meeting'. (Y/n) had fallen asleep in the arms of their brother. Soon enough the meeting had ended. As Canada walked over to his car, (y/n) still in his arms and Kuma waddling besides him, America approached him.

"Yo dude, Canada-Bro!" America waved at him as he walked up to him. Canada looked at him, giving him a small smile.

"Yes, America?" Canada asked as he turned to his car to put the sleeping (Y/n) in the seat.

"How did you know how to calm down the kid?" America asked, looking at (Y/n) as they were buckled up, Kuma jumping into their arms to act as a teddy bear. Canada closed the door, heading over to the driver's seat, America following behind.

"Well, considering they are my little sibling, it was fairly easy." He opened the door before looking at America, waiting for him to end the conversation. America laughed.

"Right, I knew that. It's just that they didn't even trust me, the hero! Oh hey! Japan!" America quickly got sidetracked, completely forgetting about Canada after getting his answer. Canada once again rolled his eyes and sighed. Getting into his car, driving off.

(Y/n) soon woke up, still on the way home. They rubbed their sleepy eyes, pulling Kuma closer.

"Big brother? What happened?" (Y/n) asked, the last thing they remembered was Canada picking them up.

"What do you think sleeping beauty? You fell asleep and the meeting is over, so we're heading home." He answered back smiling at the child. "Do you remember what happened before?"

(Y/n) nodded their head, humming, before giggling.

"Yup! You saved me!" Canada chuckled.

"I wouldn't really say 'saved'. I just made everyone back up." Canada retorted before pulling up to where they were staying. He parked the car and got out. Like before, he went to the back seat and helped (Y/n) get out.

"But you did! I was trapped! Surrounded! But them you came to my rescue!" (Y/n) explained, throwing their hands up in the air, dropping Kumajiro in the process. Kuma let out a small ow, before standing back up. "Oops. Haha. Sorry Kuma." (Y/n) apologized as Canada opened the door letting them in. (Y/n) looked back at their brother before hugging him, catching him off guard.

"Thank you Canada! You're my hero!" Canada smiled, blushing slightly. He picked (Y/n) up and hugged back, both of them laughing. Canada felt a small tug on his pants. He looked down, (Y/n) following. Kuma looked at them both.

"Hungry!" He exclaims. Canada chuckled once more.

"How about some pancakes?" He asked asked them both, looking over at (Y/n).

"Yay! Pancakes!" (Y/n) threw their hands in the air, as the three of them walk to the kitchen.


*nervous chuckle* I hate myself. I bet you hate me too. Whatever, have a nice day/night!

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