Russia + Superhero!Reader

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(Human/Superhero AU) 

Background: The reader is a teenager with ice powers.

Reader's outfit: A latex suit that covers the top of their neck to their feet. It's basically spiderman's outfit but with whatever design you want, just keep it ice/water-themed. A sleeveless hoodie that has a face mask, so it covers their head and the bottom of their face. Snow goggles cover their eyes.

Reader's POV:

"Go! Go! That way!" I yell through my mask. I direct the citizens towards safety. Screams burst through the crowd as an explosion is heard behind us. My eyes narrow at the presence of something heading towards us. With a flick of the wrist, a barrier of ice shoots from the snowy ground, blocking the ball of plasma from reaching us. I turn around to face Orbit. 

She pouts since most of the citizens have managed to evacuate, the last few now running down the street to escape. She hovers in the sky, staring down at me. She smirks as we make eye contact, or what she assumes to be eye contact. Her gaze pierces through my snow goggles. My suit has burns and scratches everywhere.

"Well, there goes all the fun!" Her crazed voice booms through the street. She maniacally laughs as I snarl at her. I outstretch my hands to send a flurry of icicles towards her. Rapid footsteps approaching me causes me to turn around. My eyes widen as I see Ivan frantically look around.

I run to him and pull him towards me as a ball of plasma narrowly misses him. I drag him behind me as we run. Another flick of my wrist sends more icicles to successfully distract her. I see a turned over car and push Ivan behind it. Before I can join him, a blast of plasma hits my back. I let out a scream, scaring Ivan. I join him behind the car, the tingling feeling of the hit lingers on my back. My suit took most of the hit, but another plasma ball to my back will surely burn through it and reach my skin.

"Sir, what are you doing? You have to get out of here!"

"No!" His yell startles me. I flinch as I look into his frantic eyes. "No! My sibling! I was separated from my sibling during the panic! I have to find them!"

"Sir, I can assure you your sibling is fine! You have to leave, now!"

"No!" I stand up, knowing that Orbit would be tired of my tricks by now.

"Sir, your sibling is fine. But you are going to get yourself killed! Now leave!"

He stands up too, his frantic eyes showing determination. He looks ready to run in the direction of Orbit. My eyes widen as I watch him take off. He yells one last time at me, venom heard in his voice. "NO!"

I grab his arm and harshly shove him towards the ground in front of me. I pull my goggles back and harshly glare at him. I yell in my panic of not being able to convince him. "Goddamn it Ivan, LEAVE! GO THE FUCK AWAY!"

His wide eyes stare into my own as I put my goggles back on. He stumbles to his feet and turns around to run. I watch as he leaves. He glances back a single time before disappearing from my vision. I let out a sigh of relief, happy to see him safe. 

A scream erupts from my throat. Pain travels through my back as another plasma ball hits me. It scorches my skin, blood dripping down from the wound, causing it to burn even more. I fall to the floor, landing on the harsh snow.

"There you are Frostbite! I was getting bored of your little toothpicks." Her voice booms above me. Another plasma ball hits my arm. I scream as my suit burns into my skin. I force myself to turn around onto my back. I breathe heavily and tears build up in my eyes, but I fight them off. "Y'know, I was hopin' for an actual hero to show up. But it's MUCH more fun getting to destroy a helpless teen. Now then, le-"

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