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Christmas special!
Sorry I am writing this right now but I won't be able to during Christmas since I will be away and won't have Wifi.
Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

(Includes Prussia and Romano, that means there's swearing)

~Reader's P.O.V~

My family, it's not really a true family like those you see everyday, but my family is good enough and wonderful. Even though my family is all male, they still are my family and each give off a family trait.

Italy is like the mother. He always spoils me and is a great cook. Everyone is always busy or lazy so he cleans up the house. He also helps me with problems only mothers can help me with, don't ask me how he knows all that stuff. Oh, and he also acts like a mother around the house.

Germany is like the father. He is constantly working and taking care of me and Italy. Like a father he is strong and makes sure not to spoil me too much, even though he doesn't realize that Italy does that. He also makes sure I get enough training and eat correctly, even though I hate training. I also have a special bond with him that you can only have with your father.

Japan is the brother. Me and him have a special bond that no one can break, it's stronger than the father bond. Whenever I need him he is there, and whenever he needs me I am there. We also have a lot of interests in common, ahem...Anime, manga, video games, and more.

Prussia is the cool wacky uncle that's from the father's side. He is always doing wacky stuff and let's me in on it. Things that my father doesn't let me do, my uncle secretly does. Lastly he is just awesome. Kesesese~

Lastly, Romano is like the always pissed off uncle from the mother's side. He strongly disapproved of the mother marrying the father, in this case become friends, but the mother still does. He has a cold heart but when he is around me he warms up and can't say no to me. He also let's me do things my father doesn't just to piss him off.

"(Y/n)! You ok? You dozed off." Japan snapped me out of my thoughts. Germany, Romano, and Italy were still putting up the Christmas tree but Prussia heard Japan and walked over to us.

"Hm? Yeah I'm ok, just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Prussia asked.

"That we are like a big family! Veneziano is the mom. Germany the dad. You are the uncle from the dad's side. Romano is the uncle from the mom's side. Lastly Japan and I are the siblings and/or children." I answered back with a smile. This caught everyone's attention and they all left the tree for a second and came to us.

"Ve~ You really think I'm the mother?"

"And you really think I'm the father?" Germany then blushed, probably at the thought of him and Italy married, or not, who knows I can't read his mind.

"If that's true you really think I would let my brother marry this potato bastard!" Guess who said that.

"Hey it's just a thought." I said with a closed eye smile.

"Hey (y/n) since it's Christmas, I was thinking of taking you snowboarding with the awesome me." Prussia told me.

"Ehhhh! Really!" I said excited. I have always wanted to go snowboarding but Germany has never let me. Being a country that has never had snow, snow and any sports that relates to snow, especially snowboarding, always fascinates me.

"No! No snowboarding!" Germany said to both me and Prussia.

"Oh come on Germany. You have never let (y/n) go snowboarding. Who knows? It might be fun." Italy tried to reason with him.

"I agree with Italy. We can all go. That way you can watch over (y/n)." Japan agreed.

"No means no." Germany said back.

"You know what you fucking bastard? You never let (y/n) fucking go anywhere! You gotta let the fucking kid do some fucking shit! Especially if they have been fucking asking to go for a fucking long time!" Romano said to Germany. While he was saying all of this he was making Germany back up all the way to a really light table we had in the living room. Germany then tumbled over the table making the table fall the to the floor. There were some ornaments on the table so they all shattered. Luckily Germany wasn't hurt. There was a long pause of silence until,

"Look what you did you stupid fucking bastard!" Romano shouted at Germany.

"What I did? You made me back up!" Germany said back.

"Ve! Ve! Can we all just calm down!" Italy said worried.

"I agree with Italy." Japan said.

I gave a sigh and while everyone was fighting I walked over to the shattered ornaments and started to pick them up. No one seemed to notice me, well except for one.

"H-hey! Where did (y/n) go?!" Prussia exclaimed as he noticed my disappearance. All of the shouting stopped.

"I'm over here picking up the ornaments we should be picking up instead of fighting." I answered.

"That's right I'm sorry." Germany said and then came to help me. Soon we had everything picked up and continued with the tree.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

~still reader's P.O.V~

It is finally Christmas! We are all sitting in the living room. Everyone has finally finished opening their gifts. So it was only me left.

I opened Germany's gift first. I got shoulder, elbow, and knee pads. I am not surprised that it's safety equipment, I have gotten safety equipment from Germany before on Christmas. I am surprised though that he got me safety pads if I don't skate.

Next I opened the Italy bro's gift. They got me earmuffs and gloves. Don't know why though if i already have some.

Japan gave me a winter and snow sweater. I finally am starting to suspect they are just going to take me to the snow. Until I opened Prussia's.

As soon as I opened his I immediately knew why everyone got me all those weird presents! He got me a snowboard! That meant I was going snowboarding!

"OH MY GOD! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I then brought them all into a huge hug.

"You're welcome (y/n)." They all said. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" I said back. That was the best Christmas I ever had.

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