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Regular Day

(Human au)

TW: A bit of violence

Reader's POV:

I walk into the rough looking high school. The colors appear bland yet the students seem slightly more colorful. I can see some of the students scattered around the school entrance staring at me. Some of them walk past me, surprised to see me here. I can't blame them. My uniform clearly shows I don't belong.

I was accepted into the neighboring school, a more prestige school where only those with scholarships, and those with money, can get in. I have to wear this stuffy uniform, but I don't mind. I heard from Allen that this public school can be hell at times. I'll take this uniform over these supposed demon kids, as Al calls them.

I enter the school, there were barely any students in the halls. Most of them probably already left since school has ended. A minute or two after walking down the halls, I feel someone grab me by the back of my shirt and slam me into the lockers. I grunt, not expecting the force of the throw. I look up, seeing a taller guy in front of me, scowling. Behind him I can see a few people snickering, probably his lackey's or something.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we got ourselves boys. A little rat from the school next door." I frown at him, yet hold my head high. I think I pissed him off even more but I refuse to give in. "What do you want, rat? Here to mock us?" Now this catches me off guard. I raise a brow, clearly confused.

"Mock you? Now why the hell would I do that?" This not only pisses him off, but the group behind him as well. A girl who appears to be shorter than me walks up to the guy, and holds his arm.

"Oh please. Don't play dumb. You students love to mock us public schools for not being good enough for ya. Always calling us lower than you." I revert back to my expressionless face. I guess that makes sense, I'm not surprised that some cocky kids would do that, those idiots. "Oh Johnny babe, can I have the first hit!"

"Of course baby." 'Johnny babe' smirks before tossing me to the floor. I refuse to fall completely though and sit up. The girl from earlier slams her foot into my gut, the point of her shoes hurting me even more. She does this a few more times, each time a bit harder than the last. She grabs me by the hair, pulling me up a bit, snickering. I glare at her as I grunt, not giving them the satisfaction of having 'won.' I see the Johnny guy raise his foot, I think he's gonna slam it into my head. Before he could, however, a voice calls out from behind them.

"Oi. What the fuck is going on over here." I can't see who called out, but I definitely recognize his voice. The girl lets go off my hair and Johnny steps back. There I see him, Allen fucking Jones. He makes eye contact with me before smirking. I roll my eyes at him before glaring.

"Hey Al! Don't worry about it. Just taking care of a little rodent problem. We'll handle it." Johnny smirks back, misunderstanding Allen's actions. Al looks at him before laughing for a bit. I let out a loud, exaggerated groan.

"Oh shut up Allen and hurry the fuck up." I yell. One of Johnny's lackeys kicks my back, hitting my backpack into my spine.

"Shut up rat." At this Al stops laughing and glares at him . He walks to us, reaching a hand out towards me. Johnny losses his smile at this, whispering out a small 'what the fuck.' Al raps an arm around my shoulders after helping me up. He growls at the group who slowly back up. He turns towards me.

"What the fuck do you want anyway [Y/N]?" I whisper towards the group, 'pathetic piece of trash,' making sure to keep eye contact with Johnny. I let out a smirk as he stops himself from jumping me.

"Dad says you have to drive me home for the month. He took away my car keys."

"Why me? Why not James? I swear, that old man loves to play favorites." He groans, removing his arm from my shoulders. I role my eyes again, patting down my uniform in order to remove any dirt I could have gotten from the floor.

"James has practice after school for the next three months. And there is no way in hell I am going to wait three hours for him to get out."

"Al, hun...Is this kid you're siblin'?" The girl calls out, fear showing on her face. What a loser.

"Yeah, so what." He turns to look at me. "How hard did they hurt ya?"

"A couple kicks to the stomach. That's about it." Al lets out a small chuckle and walks up to Johnny, who looked about ready to piss his pants. Al swings his arm back and punches him in the gut. Looks like he punched him with all he's got as Johnny falls to the floor, whimpering.

"Let's get out of here. I'm hungry." Al gestures his head towards the door and with that we walk out of the school and to his car. He unlocks it, both of us throwing our backpacks onto the back seats. I enter the passengers seat and buckle up as he starts up the car.

"What was that all about, where were the teachers?" I ask as we drive away from the parking lot. He simply shrugs his shoulders.

"They don't really care. There's not much bullying here, but when there is, they do the bare minimum. Those teachers only care about getting their paychecks without any complications."

"Sounds like it sucks."

"Yeah, you wouldn't be able to survive a single day there." I playfully slap Al's arm.

"And you wouldn't be able to survive my school for a single minute. You'd get sent home for refusing the dress code."

"There is no way I would be found dead wearing that stupid uniform." He speeds up as the light at the intersection turns yellow. We barely pass before the light turns red.

"You're gonna get me killed one of these days with your driving skills. I still don't know how you passed."

"Cause I'm great, that's why." Al laughs as he continues driving down the familiar road leading to a vegan cafe.

"Thanks by the way. I hella wanted to beat their asses but I didn't want to cause a scene. Can't make my school look bad by starting a fight, y'know?" We stop at a red light. Al reaches over and ruffles my hair. I let out a groan, slapping his hand away.

"Haha, yeah, I know. I was the one who taught you how to fight after all. By the way, we still on for tonight? Chips and mortal combat at 3am? James agreed to join us this time. We might actually be able to summon a demon." The light turns green and Al turns the corner, the vegan cafe can be seen at the end.

"You bet your ass." I exclaim, a giant smile on my face. "But we can't get caught. Remember last time? Dad wouldn't let us have desserts for a whole two months! I felt like I was dying Allen!" I dramatically cry, fixing my hair.

"I can't imagine what he'd do this time. I still don't know why that old geezer gave us a 'bedtime.' For crying out loud, we're teenagers now!" I laugh as it's now his turn to dramatically cry out.

"Whatever, I'm still gonna beat your ass in mortal combat, doesn't matter what time of day. Both you and James are no match for me!"

"Oh you're so on!"


1319 words

Published August 22, 2020

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