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Pinkie Promising A Lie

Requested by: Supermariel100

(Human AU. Also has swearing, I doubt any of you care though. Involves sensitive stuff too...beware, I guess.)

(also, inaccurate portrayal of suicidal thoughts and feelings)

~Readers P.O.V~

Once again, I was pushed against the lockers roughly.

"Get out of my way wanker." Arthur says harshly. He has been bullying me ever since I got Alfred, which was four years ago. I was 13 back then, right now I'm 17. The whole reason why he bullies me is because I supposedly "took Alfred away from him". 

Arthur and I were the best of friends when we were little, until a certain day. Both me and Arthur met Alfred when he ran away from an orphanage. He was four years old when we found him. (He's eight right now.) The three of us became close, but obviously we had to take him back to the orphanage. What we both didn't know was that the both of us asked our parents to adopt Alfred. The next day, Arthur told me he asked his parents to adopt Alfred, but it was already too late to stop my parents from adopting Alfred. So a couple hours later he walked into the orphanage to find me and my parents signing the adoption papers. Obviously he was outraged. He hated me from that day on. Somehow he managed to convince the whole school to hate me.

"Bastard! Are you even paying attention!?" I look up to see Lovino in front of me with Antonio behind him.

"I...n-no...sorry." I say in a barely audible whisper. He punches the lockers next to my head making me jump and start to shake.

"Of course you wouldn't you death bitch. I forgot my books at home. Give me yours."

"And that's not a request!" Added Antonio. I nod and gave him the books I had with me. After they walked away, I headed towards my locker and got my backup books and headed to class.

  ~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~  

As soon as I finish putting my books in my locker and closed it, my head gets hit by books. Hard books. I look over to see Lovino an Antonio walking away. I then get smacked by the side with a ball.

"VE! Ludwig! Ludwig! My ball is near (y/n)! I can't get it anymore!" Feliciano then proceeds to cry.

"Just leave it Feliciano-kun. It might be infected now because it touched them." Kiku said.

"I'll just get you a new ball." Ludwig told him.

"Ok..." Feliciano said. The three of them walked away. I sigh.

I pick up my books and started to walk home.

"Hey fucker! Where are you heading off to? Home with your parents? Oh wait, you don't have any!" Gilbert said and then started to laugh with his friends. I started to walk home faster. As soon as I got home and open the door, I was attacked by a small child.

"Welcome home (Y/n)!" Alfred, the only person who cares about me anymore. Well other than my parents but...they passed away.

"Hi Alfred. How was school today?" Alfred's school gets out earlier than my school for some reason.

"It was awesome!" I cringed at his choice of words, but he didn't notice. "Our teacher brought us cookies and let us play games instead of math!"

"That sounds cool. Hey how about I make today even better and make your favorite? Burgers!" He looks at me with stars in his eyes.

"Really?!" I nod my head. He starts running to the kitchen screaming, "YEAH!" I walk into the kitchen to see him getting the ingredients to make hamburgers.

  ~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~  

"Mhhhh! Thesf rf suuuuu yoooofd! fanj jou!" Alfred said with his mouth full. I laugh knowing that he said 'These are so good. Thank you.'

"They can't be that good. This isn't the first time I cooked them." He looked at me and swallowed his food down.

"What do you mean? They are always good." He gives me a giant smile, while I give him a small smile. "Hey (Y/n)?"

"Yeah Alfred?"

"I love you!" I stop eating and look at him to see he was giving me a closed eye smile. Still having a small smile I answer,

"I love you too Alfred...I'm done with dinner. You know what do once your done." I put my dishes away. I then look at Alfred to see him looking at me worriedly, probably because I only ate half of my hamburger. I enter my room and sit on my bed. Now all I have to do is wait for Alfred to fall asleep.

  ~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~  

After doing both my homework and Ivan's, I look up to the clock to see it's 9:38. Alfred should be asleep by now. I go to his room to see him sound asleep. I head back to my room and into the bathroom. I take out a hidden knife from the cupboard. Hey who knows, Alfred might come in and find it for some reason if I left it out in the open, better safe than sorry. I take off my shirt leaving me in my tank top. I place the knife against my wrist and take a deep breath.

"...One..." I press the knife into my skin and draw blood."...Two..." I make another line. I continue until I have made six. Blood is everywhere on my arms, legs, and floor. Just as I make the seventh and leave it there for a couple seconds my door opens. Alfred. It's too late to take the knife away...Alfred already saw. He stares at me with a terrified look.

"...Alfred...I were...asleep..." I say in a raspy and shaky voice.

"I...had a nightmare..." Liar...he never has nightmares and when he does he usually has it around midnight.

"Alfred...please...tell me...the truth..." I say as I take the knife away from my wrist and place it on the counter.

"I was going to drink some milk...but when I walked by your room...I smelled something weird...and I heard you...counting...why? Why are you hurting yourself?" He asks as he walks closer to me. I back up.

"Alfred...stay away...I...don't full...of blood..." He doesn't listen to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Please (y/n). Answer me."

"I am tired one...cares about me.." Alfred lets go of me and grabs a towel. He gets it wet and starts to clean my arm. " don't...have to..."

"I care about you." I become even more stiff. "I love you (y/n)." Once he backs up and places the towel into the sink I fall to my knees. "(Y/n)!"

"I'm...okay..." He walks to me and hugs me again. "I'm...sorry Alfred..."

"Sorry for what?"

"For...hurting myself..." He looks at me and smiles.

"It's ok, but do you promise you won't do it again?"

"I promise" Lie.

"Pinkie promise!" He puts out his pinkie. I smile at him and take his pinkie in mine.

"I pinkie promise." Lie. Why do I lie to him so much.

"I love you (y/n)!"

"I love you too, Alfred."


Well then...hope you enjoy. Bye!

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