Older!Brothers!Italy Bros

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Where have you been!?

(Includes cussing...I doubt any of you care though)

(Also doesn't include Seborga. I forgot about him while writing this.)

"Ve~ I don't want to go training." Italy wined

"Well you have to, now come on!" Germany yelled at him.

"I don't get why me and this loser called Prussia are here. Normally it's just you three bastards." Romano said pointing to himself and Prussia.

"Who are you calling a loser. I am the awesome Prussia!" Prussia then proceeded to do his weird laugh. All the while Japan stayed quiet.

"Doesn't matter. Anyway le-" Germany was then cut of by a sudden rustle coming from a tree. They all looked at the tree. "Is anyone up there!?" Germany called thinking it was England spying on them again. More rustles emerged, some leaves even fell.

"Ah! N-no! No one is here! I am just the tree fairy! Please leave me alone!" A voice said. Japan and Prussia just stared at the tree. Italy and Romano thought the voice was familiar. All the while Germany face palmed, remembering when Italy did that in WW1 except as a box.

"Who is up there!? Answer me or else I will kick this tree down!" Germany yelled.

"Ah! N-no please don't kick me down! That will make all my leaves fall down and leave me naked! Y-you don't want to see me naked, do you!?" The voice yelled back.

"That's it!" Then Germany kicked the tree. As soon as he did that, someone that seemed to have (h/c) hair fell from the tree. He picked them up by their gray army suit.

"Ahhhhh! Please don't hurt me! I am weak! Oh, oh, oh I am a virgin! You don't want to kill a virgin do you! I-I'm Italian, us Italians are fun to play around with! So please don't hurt me!!" They started to weep and cry. Everyone was interested in the random person because they fell from a tree, said they were Italian, had their eyes closed just like Italy, and most important of all is because they had a (h/c) curl sticking out of their head that looked a lot like Italy's and Romano's. Let's just say both Romano and Italy were staring wide eyed at them, yes Italy had his eyes open.

Germany sighed, "You seem a lot like Italy." As soon as Germany said that the person opened their eyes to show (e/c) with hazel brown specks in them, and stopped weeping.

"You know grande fratello Veneziano! That must mean you are a friend of his! Right! Right! Right!" They started to ramble on as everyone was surprised they called Italy big brother. Germany put them back onto their feet has they continued to ramble on.

"(Y/n)!" Both Romano and Italy said in union. Said person turned around to face them. The supposed (Y/n) immediately gained a ginormous grin.

"Veneziano! Romano!" Immediately running over to them, they gave them a huge hug. "I missed you!"

"ve~ We missed you too! Right Romano!" Romano gave a nod.

"So Italy who's the newby?" Prussia asked.

"Oh that's right. I am (y/n) Vargas, at least that's my human name. My real/country name is Italy Corona which is mid. Italy!" (I just made it up) , (Y/n) said. "So who are you people?"

"Kesesese~ I am the awesome Prussia with the awesome human name of Gilbert!"

"Hello I am Ludwig or Germany."

"Konichiwa. I am Kiku, or Japan."

Let's just say Romano, Italy, and (y/n) started to catch up on how they are/were doing, and (y/n) became quick friends with Germany, even with Romano's dissaproval, and Japan. They did become friends with Prussia, but that took a while because Prussia was a little too annoying(ly awesome ^w^) for their liking.


Thanks for reading!! It is my first story. Go ahead and leave a comment, if I made a mistake go ahead and tell me. I might take a while to update since I have school, gomen(sorry). Thanks for reading sayonara!!

******Edit from like 2019 or whatever. This chapter was made in like 2015 or something so sorry for the cringeyness

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