2p!Italy bros + Female!Reader

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I'm Not a Doll!

Requested: 2p!Italy bros and Little Sister Reader

Trigger Warning: This short contains small mentions of blood, killing, and sexual harassment. You have been warned.

(Human A.U.)

Reader's POV:

I curl up further into a ball, hiding in the corner of the walk in closet. The clothes hung up help me as I hide behind a bin. I hear gunshots from outside and footsteps run by. After awhile I uncurl and lean my head on the wall, a bored expression on my face. I let out a sigh and hear even more gunshots. This is so boring. My brothers never let me do anything when fights like these break out. I take out my phone and get lost scrolling through social media. After awhile everything is silent.

"[Y/N]! Sister! Where are you!" I hear Flavio call out to me. I get out of my corner and walk out the closet, into the hallway.

"I'm here Flavio!" I call out to him.

"What are you doing? Are you dumb or something." I feel someone harshly grab my arm. I look up to see Luciano scowling at me, blood all over his clothing. I roll my eyes at him.

"Answering Flavio, a-duh" I see Flavio walking towards us, a small uncaring smile on his face. I give him a small wave. "Ouch!" I look at Luciano and glare at him. This mofo fucking squeezed the shit out of my arm. He glares back.

"What if it was a trap? Anyone could easily compile a voice recording of us. I told you to stay there until I came to pick you up. "

"Yeah, and guess what? You came and picked me up! WOW, YAY! Now fucking let me go." His grip tightens before letting me go. Flavio quickly hugs me.

"It's ok little [Y/N], everything is ok now. The bad guy are dead!" I push Flavio away.

"Stop coddling me! I can protect myself. I'm not little anymore!" At this I leave, walking down the bloody hall. Body's are scattered around, but it's nothing new.

"Young lady, get back here!" I hear Luciano yell at me. I ignore him and run down the hall. I don't really know where I'm heading, but I don't really care. It's been like this for a few years, ever since we killed our dad. Our dad was a freak and let's just say...he wasn't very kind to me. He did some stuff no dad should do with his daughter at night, and when my brothers found out, they killed him on the spot. Since then, they've been treating me like a baby who needs constant protecting.

After a bit of running I find myself in Flavio's studio. I sit on one of the chairs and try to catch my breath. I love my brothers, but they really need to understand that I was raised alongside them, I know how to fight like they do. I let out a sigh and go on my phone again, looking through social media. A few minutes pass by and I hear the door open. I don't bother looking up.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I hear them walk over to me and sit besides me.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna yell at you like Luci. I just wanted to ask if you want to help me with my new coat design." I don't move my head, but I glance at Flavio. I can see him smiling expectantly at me. I stand up, putting my phone away.

"Yeah, sure." I walk in front of three large mirrors, surrounding me and reflecting my image in three different angles. I raise my arms up and almost instantly Flavio begins to measure them. "Why do you measure me if we've done this a million times?"

"Just to make sure you don't magically grow. The human body is fickle, dear sister. You can never be too sure in fashion!" I drop my arms when he's done and he moves on to measure my back and shoulders. I hear the door open and from the mirror I see Luciano, now clean from blood, leaning on the door-frame. I let out a loud groan, causing Luciano rolls his eyes.

"They're cleaning the halls right now, Grandpa is coming home tomorrow." He walks away from the door-frame and sits down where I was sitting previously. 

"That's nice. Is Grandpa going to make it for dinner?" I ask, refusing to look at him. I see Flavio move over to grab some unfinished clothing. He drapes it around my shoulders. From the looks of it, it appears to be a coat that's shaped like a dress.

"He should. And so what if he doesn't, he's always been bad at being on time." I put on a small smile, thinking about how our grandpa is bad at telling time.

"Yeah, haha, I guess so." Flavio shuffles the clothing around, sticking some pins in certain areas to help the fabric stay down. He also marks some areas for stitching later. It was quiet as Flavio worked. I can feel Luciano's eyes on us the entire time, it's really starting to get annoying.

"[Y/N], about earlier." I look in the mirror to see that Luciano had suddenly appeared beside Flavio, who had some measuring tape and fabric in hand. "You know damn well that we care about you, and we just want to keep you safe-" I let out an even loud groan than before, cutting him off. He gets annoyed at my sudden interruption.

"[Y/N], sweetie, as the only granddaughter of the Vargas family, you are in much danger. Many of our enemies want to hurt you or use you as a trophy. Who knows what those sick men would do to you, you have to understand." I turn around to face them. Flavio had a concerned look on his face while Luciano had his arms crossed, all pissed off or something.

"Of course I understand! But you guys have to understand me too...I'm not a fucking doll anymore! I was already a play-thing for father" Flavio and Luciano tense up at the mention of him, their eyes and face darkening. "It was fucking shit and I am never going back. I will not allow myself to be walked over by men anymore. I am not some fucking trophy wife for them to capture and use. I can fight! I was trained alongside you guys, I know how to shoot every damn gun we own. I can protect myself."

"But we want to protect you" Flavio called out, dropping the fabric and measuring tape to the floor. 

"And that's ok! I'm fine with you guys protecting me, but you have to let me help too." I take off Flavio's 'coat' and hand it to him. I walk over to Luciano who was glaring at the floor. I whisper a small 'please' as I place my hand on his arm. He glances at my hand before looking at Flavio. In a swift motion I am brought into a hug, Luciano squeezing the shit out of me. The hug was over in a mere second, not giving me enough time to even respond.

"Fine, but as you said, we're still going to be beside you. We trust you, so you better not disappoint us." He smirks at me as I brighten up, a wide grin appearing on my face. I feel Flavio hug me from behind. I let out a squeal and giggle as he picks me up, slightly swinging me. I look down to see the 'coat' forgotten on the floor. Once put down I grab the fabric from the floor and chuck it at Luciano, who catches it without hesitation. His smirk widens as I let out a huff. It would have been funny if it smacked him in the face.

"Can we have Grandpa's favorite for dinner tomorrow? In case he does arrive on time?" I ask. Flavio wraps his arm around me as I see Luciano shake his head, smiling.

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" Flavio practically yells in my ear. I laugh and push his head away, but he still keeps his arm around me. 

It's about time they trust me.


1352 words

Published: July 27, 2020

Thank you fairy_nicole123 for the request!

This is like my third one-shot with the italy bros. I was planning on publishing a separate Italy oneshot, but i'll wait a bit before publishing it.

Next up: Denmark

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