Switzerland + Reader + Liechtenstein

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Looking out for Each Other

Reader's POV:

I let out a yawn as I stretch on my bed. My eyes crinkle while I rack through the morning thoughts of my brain. Today's a world meeting. Luckily the meeting is taking place in Germany, so we don't have to drive very far. It's just a few hours away.

I get up and do my morning routine. As I step outside my room, however, bright green eyes stop me in my tracks. I smile softly, looking down at my sister. She mirrors my smile. I ruffle her hair, causing her to giggle. It was then that I noticed she was wearing her military uniform, the one she made to resemble Switzerland's. I raise a brow at her and pull my hand away.

"Switzie letting you join us today?" She blushes at my question and looks away. She shyly plays with the fabric of her uniform.

"No...but I was wondering if you can ask him for me?" Her meek voice practically causes me to have a heart attack from her cuteness. It doesn't help that she shyly looked up at me with a pout. Her eyes shimmer expectantly. Is this what America calls 'puppy dog eyes?' I smile at her and ruffle her hair again.

"Yeah, of course I will. How can I say no to you?" My hand ruffling her hair moves to pinch her cheek. She whines and swats my hand away but still giggles. I chuckle at her and remove my hand. The two of us go to meet with Switzerland, who was enjoying a coffee and reading a newspaper. Just like me and Liechtenstein, he was already dressed in his uniform.

He looks up at us and sets down his newspaper. Coffee cup still in hand, he stands up and inspects Liechtenstein. She shyly shuffles back and forth on her feet.

"Good morning," he says. He takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes still trained on Liechtenstein. "You should change into something more comfortable." His response causes Liechtenstein to look away, blushing. I wrap an arm around her shoulders and bring her into a hug.

"Hey, Switzie, we-"

"Don't call me that."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, we should let Liechtenstein join us." He looks over at our sister once more before training his eyes on me. His green eyes pierce through my soul, but I've mostly gotten used to it. I shudder though as he sets his coffee down and walks towards us.

"And why should I? She doesn't need to be harassed by those stupid countries. I can handle everything concerning her at the meeting."

I widen my smile, not wanting to back down. "I know, I know. But she should get out more, don't ya think?"

"She gets out when we take her shopping and go on picnics."

"She needs more friends."

"She has Ukraine and Hungary. They are nice girls."

I sigh. My smile slightly drops as I can't get through to him. I feel a small tug at my uniform. I look down to see Liechtenstein look at me, giving me those same puppy dog eyes from earlier. My eyes harden and I look back up at my brother with more determination.

"I just think it'll be a nice experience. She rarely gets to go to the meetings, and I get why, but I do think it'll be good for her."

"Big brother," her soft voice causes both me and Switzerland to train our gaze at her. Her soft eyes look into Switzerland's own. I smirk, knowing that just like me, he cannot say no to her. "Can I please go? I wish to accompany you two."

I can see Switzerland's frown twitch. He glances between me and our sister before letting out a loud sigh. He crosses his arms and looks away.


Sibling!Hetalia x Sibling!Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now