Belarus + Teen FtM!Reader

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Safe and Scary

(Human A.U.)

Background: Reader is transgender and 15 years old. His siblings have all already moved out. The beginning takes place in Russia.

2nd POV:

You knock on the door. Your breath could be seen as the night grew cold. You clutch onto your suitcase as you patiently wait for the door to open. After a few seconds, it does, and standing there was your sister Natalya. She raises a brow at you and glances at your suitcase.

"May I come in?" You ask. She nods and lets you inside. You place your suitcase in the living room. You don't sit down though, too nervous to sit still. Natalya joins you in the living room after locking the door. She sits down and motions for you to join her, but you refuse. She watches you shuffle around in place, her cold eyes warming up at the sight of seeing you anxious.

Her words startled you, "[Y/N], are you alright?" You could feel the bracelet your older sister Katyusha gave you on your skin. You mess around with it, your anxiety slowly diminishing.

"I uh, well, uh." You mess around with the bracelet some more, the silence encouraging you to speak. You take a deep breath and look at Natalya's eyes. You stutter for a quick second before regaining your ability to speak. "Mom and Dad found out. They kicked me out of the house. They told Ivan, and we both know he does what they say religiously, so he won't take me in. Katyusha is still barely making enough money to live, so I can't burden her. And they threatened my friends so they can't take me in. It's not like I can go to the police about it, Dad is basically in charge of it all. I don't know what to do, Nat."

You finally sit down beside her, steadying your breath. You don't feel like crying, but you can feel the anxiety bubble in your chest again. The few seconds of silence made you deathly afraid for what your sister would say, even though she accepted you. You know you shouldn't be worried, but you can't help it.

"So I came to you." You let out a small laugh, glancing to see she is staring at you intently. "Mom and Dad don't like you, so they don't bother you. You were the only person I could think of." You frown at the thought of being alone. "I don't know what to do Nat. I'm still underage, it's not like I can just leave the country like I originally wanted."

"Then I'll leave with you." Her response surprises you. All the anxiety you had changes from anxiety about her response to anxiety about the thought of leaving. "With our parent's permission, I can become your legal guardian. Then we can leave together" She stands up and walks to the kitchen without waiting for your response. You quickly stand up, almost tripping in the process. You follow her into the kitchen where she hands you some bread. You take it but don't eat it just yet.

"But- but what about Ivan? Don't you want to stay with him? And we don't have citizenship for America, how are we going to stay?" She puts away the bread she had out and grabs a glass of water. She takes a sip and answers nonchalantly.

"We can get a Green Card at first. You already know English, so you can teach me how to speak it and you can take the citizenship test, or whatever it is over there, when you can."

"But what about Ivan."

"Ivan knows better than to marry someone else besides me. He currently doesn't have a girlfriend and if he gets one while we're over there, I'll know. And I'll make them both regret getting together." You shudder at her response and eat the bread she had previously given you. You can feel yourself fill with excitement at the thought of finally leaving. You nod at her, hoping she saw you.

You enter the small apartment, Natalya trailing behind you. You look around in amazement at the American apartment, it being very different from your home back in Russia. Natalya closes the door and locks it before bringing her luggage into our room. You trail behind her, carrying your own luggage. The room is big enough for both you and Natalya to stay there, which is good as it is the only room. You set your bags down on one of the mattresses.

"I still can't believe you managed to find an apartment so fast. A somewhat furnished one no less!" You call out to Natalya, leaving the room to look at the built-in kitchen and adjacent dining table. Natalya follows you, silently watching you explore.

"I have my connections." She simply answers, as if that answer wasn't creepy. You run up to her, hugging her softly. She is startled by your response, not having expected it from you. She stays completely still, like a deer in headlights. After a few seconds pass, however, she simply puts her hands on your shoulders. It may seem like a small and awkward interaction, but you knew it was her way of hugging you. The two of you pull away as she gets a phone call. She glances at you. You send her a confused look. She answers the small phone and brings it up to her ear.

"Hello, mother." She says, which confuses you even more. You sit on the couch, enjoying the odd texture, and watch as Natalya paces around the living room, listening to your mother. "Now listen here, woman, you gave me rights to care for him. He is now under my protection. Just because you don't approve of him, does not mean you can control him. You kicked him out, just like you kicked me out. [Y/N] is my brother. You leave him alone and suddenly want him back? You are a sad, despicable woman, alongside that man that calls himself my father. Tell Ivan I'll see him soon."

She hangs up the phone and sits beside you, letting out a small sigh. Her face may be expressionless but pure anger and frustration could be seen radiating off her. You shuffle around anxiously, wondering if it was alright to talk.

"What was that about?" You ask. Natalya glances towards you before standing up to head into the kitchen. You follow her and watch as she looks into the drawers and cupboards.

"They somehow found out we moved to America. They suddenly wanted you back home." Her answer causes you to furrow your brow, even more confusion filling up your brain.

"But why? They kicked me out."

"They're probably jealous you have a better chance at life than they ever did."

"But father basically controls the police back home. He's so powerful already. Why would they be jealous?"

"Because adults are stupid, [Y/N]. They know you have a better chance of being happy than they ever will. And instead of trying to better themselves, they'll try to bring you down." She stops moving around and walks up to you, grabbing you harshly by the shoulders. Her ironlike grip hurts you but you don't bother to say anything, her determined face scaring you into silence. "But they won't. You're with me now, they can't touch you," Her grip hardens and this time you visibly wince. A dark aura surrounds her as she adds on her last word, "Ever."

She lets go of you and you rub your shoulders, letting out a nervous laugh. As much as you love your sister, she still scares you. You watch as she heads into the bedroom and you follow her.

"Thanks, Nat, this really means a lot to me." She simply nods her head towards you and unzips her luggage.

"Go ahead and take a shower first, we have to go to the grocery store to buy some essentials. You still have to help me with my English too." You thank her again and get ready to explore your new life.


1326 words

published September 20, 2020

Wanted to write this one from a different perspective because it hits a bit close to home for me.

A reminder that you are valid! Whether you are male, female, neither, or both: you have every right to exist and be happy. Whether you are gay, lesbian, bi, pan, ace, aro, or another: you have the right to love or not to love whoever you want. It is not a choice, it is who you are. Stay safe!

(Also a reminder that pedos are not a part of the lgbt community and will never be. There is no other argument for this. Don't fight me on this, just get out if you don't agree cause it's obvious I won't be able to change your tiny brain.)

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