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Mischief is the best kind of chief!

Reader's POV:

"VEEEEEEEEEEE" I hear Italy scream from the kitchen. I pop a chip in my mouth, pressing pause on my movie. I get up from the couch, looking around the living room real quick. I'm not too surprised that Italy yelled, he yells for a lot of different things.

"Ita, you ok?" I call out. I reach down and grab another chip, eating it. I hear nothing from him, which is surprising. Normally when he yells, sobs could be heard following after. I guess I should go check up on him. Just as I take a step towards the kitchen, I am tackled to the floor,my face pressed against it.

"[Y/N]!" Ah, there it is, now he's sobbing. He sits up, sitting on my back. "There's no more pasta! I thought we had another box and was gonna buy more tomorrow, but the pasta's gone!" His weeps grow louder at this. I sigh. I love my brother, but boy is he a crybaby.

"Isn't Romano out? Let's call him and tell him to buy some pasta." I say to the best of my abilities, considering I'm being squashed against the floor. Italy may look like a stick, but so much pasta does take a toll on you. 

"We can't!" He begins to lightly punch my back. I can't see him but I think he's shaking his head. He always shakes his head when throwing a tantrum like this. "He's out with Belgium and Spain. Last time I called him while he was with them, he got mad and yelled at me in front of them! It was so scary." He lets out a small 'uwa' before finally getting off my back. He's still crying but at least now I can actually face him. I thought I was gonna suffocate or something. I get up and pop my back, an audible crack following after.

"Well, then let's eat something else. We should still have enough ingredients for pizza-"

"No no no!" Ah great, here we go. "Germany and Japan are coming over for dinner,"

"Italy Veneziano! We have talked about this! You have to tell me and Romano when you decide to invite someone over!"

"And we also ran out of pizza dough! Homemade pizza takes too long! How are we supposed to have dinner before they arrive." Great, he ignored me. He falls to his knees, weeping harder. At this point I think he's being dramatic on purpose. No person cries this much when talking about food. But then again, this is Italy we're talking about.

I run my hand through my hair and look at the clock in the room. 

"When are they coming over." His sobbing calms down. He let's out a small sniffle.

"In about two hours."

"If we leave now, we can head to the store and buy some pasta if you want." Instantly he stands up and grabs my hands.

"Ve~ Really? Yes yes yes! Yes please!" I see all his tears instantly disappear. I swear, if this dude did all of that on purpose, I am going to lose it. I yank my hands away and walk to my room.

"Yeah yeah, let me just get ready real quick. But I'm driving." I hear Italy cheer. The things I do for this man-child.

Italy sticks his head out the window as I speed down the road.

"Ita, don't do that, you can hurt yourself." He lets out a small whine before sitting back. He jumps up and down in his seat, clearly having some energy in him. "Ita, it's literally a supermarket, why are you so excited?"

"I don't know! It's just exciting to be outside with you. You rarely join me or Romano when we're shopping." I laugh at him. I'm usually quite busy at home, so it's up to them to buy groceries. But it's alright, I usually cook to help make up for it. I slow down as we approach the store. I make sure to park carefully. I don't want another ticket.

Sibling!Hetalia x Sibling!Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now