China + Depressed!Reader

642 32 8

It's not that easy...

TW: This chapter deals with heavy topics

[Reader's POV]:

Ugh, what time is it?


I'm tired...

I slowly reach my hand out and feel around my bed. My eyes feel heavy from having just woken up. After a few more pats, I manage to reach my nightstand. My hand bumps the small lamp before it finally reaches my phone. I bring it towards me before curling up into a ball underneath the blanket. I slowly open my crust filled eyes. The light from my phone almost blinds me, but it quickly auto-adjusts to the darkness of my cacoon.

I wipe the crust from my eyes as I read the time. The large numbers tell me it's 1:27 pm. I open it to see the weather app. It says I'm currently in America and the temperature is 78 degrees Fahrenheit, or around 26 degrees Celsius. I still have 48% of my battery left. I close both my phone and my eyes. My phone rests in my hand as I lay there for a bit longer.

I'm still tired...

A few bangs come from what I assume to be the kitchen. I let out a groan, knowing China has probably been awake since 7 am. I get out of my cacoon and sit at the edge of the bed. I simply stare at my feet, the feeling of the soft clothes on my skin and the rough phone in my hand is the only thought in my head.

My body feels heavy and my eyes sting from lack of sleep. Or, what I assume to be a lack of sleep. I technically still had 9 hours of sleep...

My bedroom door softly opens. I glance at it, my hazy eyes looking over at China. He opens the door faster now, seeing that I'm awake. He frowns and his eyes show he's disappointed.

"Do you have any idea how late it is?" His voice slightly hurts my ears since I'm still in the process of waking up. I run a hand over my face, not bothering to face him. The grip on my phone tightens, already knowing the direction this conversation will take place. "I also told you to wash the dishes last night. You told me you would. I reminded you three times, one of which was before I went to sleep."

My hand falls from my face. I just continue to stare at my feet. My brain can barely process the Mandarin he speaks.

"Well?" I can feel his eyes bore into me expectantly. They burn against my tired body.

"I'm sorry..." My voice comes out slightly raspy. When was the last time I drank water? "I forgot."

"You forgot? Oh! You forgot, of course! That makes perfect sense!" His tone slightly raises. Sarcasm drips with each syllable he speaks. "How late did you stay up last night?"

The grip on my phone tightens. My free hand joins that grip. My fingers feel like they'll cramp up at any moment, so I loosen my grip. We both stay silent. He taps his foot in frustration.

"Not that late," I mumble.

"What was that? Late, you say?" The sound of footsteps nears me. His feet enter my vision in front of my own. I can practically see my tired reflection from the polish of his brown shoes. His presence makes the air feel thick. "How late did you stay up last night?"

"4 am..." I mumble again.

"4 am?! 4 am?! [Y/N], we have a meeting in an hour and you decided to stay up until 4 am?!"

"I don't have time for this." I harshly say as I push past him. I put my phone to charge and walk around the room to prepare myself. I can practically feel the steam come out of him in anger as I refuse to look at him. I quickly grab my clothes as he mumbles behind me angrily. Before he could say anything, I walk into the built-in bathroom and slam the door.

Sibling!Hetalia x Sibling!Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now