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Today: Alternate Ending

Requested? Suggested? Who knows~ by: Supermariel100

~Reader's P.O.V.~

London bridge is falling down

Bombs. Bombs exploding everywhere, to many to count. On my left, on my right, behind me, everywhere. The whole city is exploding.

Fire. Fire burning the whole city. Burning houses, burning people, burning everything. The whole city is on fire.

Planes. Planes fill the sky to the point of which you can't see the clouds. The whole city is getting destroyed.

My whole body feels like it's going to explode. The bombs make it feel like I am getting cut to pieces. The fire makes it feel like I am getting burned alive. I feel like I am going to die but...I don't care. I continue running. I don't care if I die today, I only care about finding England.

Falling down


There he is. On a bridge, London bridge. He's just standing there, staring of into the distance, into the burning city. I run to him as fast as I can. The fire around me making me feel like I'm burning even more, but I don't care. As I reach him another bomb goes off behind me sending me flying. I land next to his feet. He doesn't even glance and continues looking into the distance. I stand up and look at him.

"England! We have to go!" He didn't even spare me a glance.

"What's the point?"


Falling down

"The whole country is destroyed. The bombs, the fire, everything destroyed this country. There's nothing left except ashes and rubble, everywhere."

"No...then that means..." He turns and looks me strait in the eye, tears running down his face. There were so many emotions running through his eyes. Happiness, sadness, confusion, grief, and many more. But the most noticeable one of them all, fear.

"That means that today, the country of England has officially-"

"-dissolved..." He turns back around and stares back into the distance. I stand next to him and stare of into the distance as well. I grab his hand.

London bridge is falling down

I feel like I am going to die, but if England is bearing a pain 10x worse than mine, then I can bear my pain too. Even if our own world and country is being destroyed, I am happy that I'm spending today, these last moments with England. He doesn't hang out with me that much since he's always busy, but I know he loves me.

I look up to see a plane flying towards us. I guess England saw it too because his grip on my hand tightened. I looked back into the distance, gripping England's hand. I hear the plane near us. My grip tightens, making us hold each other's hand as hard as we can. What happens next surprises us both.

"England! London! Grab on!" We look up to see that the plane that flew towards us was actually France. He throws down a rope ladder. England starts to climb with me climbing after him, still holding each other's hand. As soon as we enter the plane, France pulls both me and England into a hug.

"I am so glad you two are ok!" He pulls away and smiles.

"Why does it matter. The country has dissolved." France frowns and looks England dead in the eye. He grabs both of England's hands before saying,

"Don't say that. Yes, your country is dissolved, for now, but we'll get your country back." He looks over to me and smiles. "You too London, (y/n). We'll get your city back." He hugs us both again. "I promise." He lets us go.

"Frog. How did you manage to get an enemy plane?"

"Oh! I managed to steal a plane without getting caught." He then walks to the cockpit to help the pilot. I pull England into a hug.

"We're gonna live...We're gonna live!" He hugs me back with twice as much strength as I am. We both start laughing. We let go of each other to see we both have tears running down our eyes. I reach out and wipe away England's tears.

"It's 'we are going to live'." I laugh at how he corrects me. We look out the window to see the London bridge get smaller and smaller. We then see a bomb get dropped and the London bridge get destroyed. I feel this intense burn in my heart, but I ignore it.

I hug England. To think, that could of been us on that bridge. We could of died, but here we are still alive.

"Hopefully we'll get our country back, I love you big brother." He hugs me back, still staring out the window where London Bridge was.

"I love you too."

My fair lady



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