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Deadly Encounter, New Faces

Based on: "Say My Name" from the musical Beetlejuice

(human a.u.)   |   Background: The reader is about 15 years old. They lost their mom a year ago and their father made them move away from their childhood home. Reader resents their father because it looks like he just wants to forget about mom and move on. Once they moved in, the reader meets two ghosts, Roderich and Elizabeta.

TW: Mentions of suicide

Reader's POV:

I crawl out the attic window and onto the small balcony there. I walk up to the railings that would protect me from the large fall. Behind me was the actual roof, its rugged top making it look like something from a child's Halloween story. I look over the railings to see the garden. The dried shrubbery and broken birdbath are directly below me, ensuring to be a direct hit if I were to jump, instantly killing me. I sigh and bring out a piece of paper, reading my suicide note to myself.

"Dear Cruel World, by the time you read this, I, [Y/N] [L/N] will be gone. Maybe this time, daddy will finally listen. Maybe this time, daddy will finally care. Maybe this time, daddy will suffer. But it's too late for that. There's nothing for me here. I'm alone, forsaken, invisible." Small tears build up in my eyes as I finish my small speech.

"That makes two of us." A snobbish voice responds from above me. My head snaps in that direction and I glare at the newcomer. He appeared a lot like Roderich but lacked the middle-aged dad clothes. He looked like a punk brought straight out of a cartoon, with red eyes and sharp teeth to match. The tips of his dark hair were red, matching the clothes he had on.

"Who the hell are you?" I glare at the man. He was seated on the roof, his legs swinging back and forth. As our eyes meet, he raises an eyebrow before perking his head up. His eyes widen as he gains a grin.

"You can see me?" He asks, bringing a hand up to point at himself. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow as I stare at him questioningly. I run a hand through my hair as the other holds onto my note.

"Uh, yeah?" I answer cautiously. I lean against the rails, not trusting this man one bit. He eagerly hops to his feet, throwing his hands into the air.

"You can see me! I'm gonna have a new best friend!" His eyes shimmer with excitement. They flicker around for a second before landing on me again. By the wicked grin on his face, I can tell he had gained an idea of sorts. "You could use a buddy!"

I blink and he's suddenly gone. My eyes widen and I step away from the rails. With a few steps back I stumble into something hard. I look up only to be met with the red eyes of the man. He takes a step forward and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't you want a pal?" He roughly tugs on my ear and whispers, "Yes I do, yes I do!" I pull away from him. He watches in amusement and puts his hands on his hips. "I've seen how you interact with your dad. The way I see it, your daddy should be leaving, and you should stick around... And kill him!"


"Nothing..." The smirk he gives and silent chuckles tell me that it wasn't 'nothing.' My glare hardens as I take another step away from the man. He takes a step forward in response, making me take another back. His crazed eyes watch gleefully. "You really gotta defend yourself more kid. You can jump, sure" his eyes flicker to the broken birdbath down below. I follow his gaze, my eyes softening as I realize what he is saying. "but that won't stop him from living a happy life. Daddy's really the one you should maim, not yourself."

"I don't care. I'm still going to do it!" I yell and turn around ready to jump. The note in my crushed fist crumples up.

"NO!" He childishly screams. When I look at him he blushes and coughs into his hand. I stare at him and loosen my stance. I back away from the rails, watching him curiously. He smiles, happy to have my attention again. "I mean, nooooooooo..... Anyway, you know, I can help you. With my help, we can cause your daddy so much pain. Together, we can exterminate, assassinate!"

Sibling!Hetalia x Sibling!Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now