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Let's Ditch

Reader's POV:

I sigh as I walk into the building. I sill don't understand these meetings. I get why they're held, but we never get anything done. As I near the meeting room, I see Sealand sitting in the lounge, slurping that a slushie? Sealand looks up and makes eye contact with me.

"[Y/N]! [Country name]! Hi! It's me! Sealand!" He shouts at me, waiving his two arms above his head. I walk to him, unaware that he also caught the attention of someone down the hall.

"Hello Sealand." I ruffle his hair. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Finland and Sweden." I smile at him as he beams up at me.

"Yeah, but I told them I wanted to make friends, so they let me leave for a bit! I'll be fine as long as I'm back for dinner. Let me tell you a secret though." He motions for me to get closer. So I sit on my knees to reach his level as he continues to sit in the chair. "I'm actually here to get you and the others to notice me as a country." He whispers, or at least he attempts to whisper.

"Go home Sealand. You know you are not allowed here. And [Country], you should be in the meeting room. You shouldn't waste your time with his childish wishing." We both look towards the voice. England was standing there, unsurprisingly, with an explainable aura surrounding him as he crossed his arms.

"Why are you always so mean, You big butt!" Sealand calls out, standing up from his seat. "C'mon [Y/N], let's go. You're a better sibling than this big meanie." Sealand grabs my wrist and drags me away. I look back at England, sending him a small wave and say that I'll be back. Sealand drags me out in front of the building and sits on the curb, me sitting beside him.

"Sealand, you ok?" I mean, obviously he isn't. But it never hurts to ask. He pouts.

"Yeah, it's just that jerk England. He's always there to mess up my plans to get you all to recognize me as a country!"

"You know, England does care about you. He just has a....unique way of expressing it. And you know he takes politics very seriously." Sealand lets out a sigh, mumbling out a small 'I know.'

"He could at least be a bit nicer. But don't worry!" Instantly Sealand stands up, startling me. It was as if all of his sadness just disappeared. He just had all of his energy again. Sometimes, this boy scares me with how positive he is. "Just cause that jerk England stopped me, doesn't mean I'll give up. I'll get everyone to recognize me as a country. The micronations also don't have much faith in me, but that won't stop me!" I laugh at him, grabbing his arm and having him sit down again.

"It's gonna be a lot of work. But knowing you, I'm sure you'll get there soon. Hey, let's play a game. You count all the blue cars that pass by, and I count all the red cars that pass by. If you win, I'll buy you some ice cream." He let's out an excited ok and we start playing. I can see some countries walk into the building, but I ignore them. Sealand tries his best to say hi to everyone though, and while some say hi, most of them ignore him. After playing for awhile, Sealand managed to count 4 blue cars while I counted 7 red cars. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out, seeing the name 'Arthur' appear as he calls me. I look at the time, seeing that I have 5 minutes before the meeting starts. I see Sealand pout as he looks at my phone.

"Aw man, do you have to leave now? And I lost too. I don't get to hang out with you nor have ice cream." He turns away from me, still pouting, and crosses his arms. I look between my phone and him, thinking for a second.

"I don't think so Peter." He looks back at me as I decline the call. I put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' before returning it to my pocket. I stand up and reach a hand out towards Sealand. "You coming to get some ice cream with me or nah." He smiles as he jumps up and grabs my hand. We begin to walk away from the building, I'll come back for my car later. Sealand starts to skip, swinging our arms as we head to a nearby ice cream parlor.

"What about the meeting? Won't you get in trouble?" Despite being worried, he's still smiling. I smile back wider too.

"Nah, I should be fine. I think. Let me tell you a secret," I lean down towards him and start whispering. "Even if I get in trouble. I. don't. care." I lean back up as he lets out a gasps, still smiling.

"[Y/N], when I'm recognized as a country and go to meetings, can we still sneak out for ice cream?" I see the ice cream parlor get closer. A park on the opposite street.

"Of course Peter. I promise one day, we'll do this again."

"Yay!" We get our ice cream before heading over to the park. Sealand was halfway through his ice cream when a nearby dog bumped into him, causing him to drop it. The dog managed to escape before I could hold him accountable for his actions. I angrily grumble about irresponsible pet owners and look towards Sealand. He's looking down at his ice cream, with...oh no I think he wants to cry. I quickly offer him my ice cream, which he sadly takes, and we head over to a nearby bench. He quickly brightens up again, having finished my ice cream. Sure enough, he gains his energy back and drags me around the park, wanting to play. 

After awhile of playing, we sit down again and he takes out his phone. I take mine out as well, seeing that I had five missed calls from England and a couple texts. I also see a text from Germany, surprising me. It read that I was off the hook for ditching because England explained that I was with Sealand and that today's meeting wasn't that important anyway. He still warned me not to pull off something like this next meeting. I let out a nervous laugh and text him back a simple reply. I decide to ignore England's text and just answer him later.

"[Y/N]?" I feel Sealand tug at my shirt. "I just texted Finland and he said that you can come over for dinner. Will you come, please? Please, please, please?" I laugh at his begs before answering with an 'alright.' He lets out a cheer and texts Finland. Once done, we begin to head over to my car, Sealand talking about the Nordic Five the entire time back, and how much fun it will be with me there.


Published July 20, 2020

1194 words

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