Child!America + Child!Reader + Child!Canada

838 36 4

Cute Times

(Human A.U.) (Includes FrUk)

Background: France and England are married and adopted America, Canada, and you

3rd Person POV:

"C'mon [Y/N]!"

"Alfreeed, can't this wait until later? I'm sleepy..."

"No way! They can wake up any second now. We gotta act fast, right, Mattie?"


The soft sound of children's feet could be heard pattering throughout the house. Three small children, no older than 8 years, could be seen quietly running into the kitchen. An energetic blonde drags his sibling by the wrist, their small head bobbing up and down as they try not to fall asleep. The quietest one of the trio calmly runs behind them, clutching a large polar bear plush close to his chest. The plush almost drags on the floor due to its size.

"Mattie, you wanted to make pancakes, right?" Alfred tries to whisper but fails to do so. [Y/N] lazily shushes him as Matthew nods his head. "Alright! You get the ingredients and I'll start the stove!" 

He lets go of [Y/N]'s wrist and goes to walk away, but [Y/N] grabs his wrist in return, stopping him. News of using the stove snapped [Y/n] awake and they nervously whisper to Alfred, "Wait, Papa told us not to touch the stove. It's dangerous!"

"It's alright, [Y/N]! As the hero, I'll watch over the stove. I'll make sure nothing bad happens." Alfred poses heroically as [Y/N] nervously glances at Matthew, who shares their look of fear. "Alright, Mattie you get started on the pancakes. [Y/N], you get help Mattie, while I get started on the other stuff, like toast, and cereal, and uh..."

"Oatmeal!" Matthew whisper-yells.

"And orange juice!" [Y/N] joins in. The excitement of making their fathers breakfast begins to fill the kitchen as the three form a plan.

"Yeah! Alright team," Alfred sticks his hand out, the palm of his hand facing down. Catching his drift, [Y/N] smiles and puts their hand on top of his. Matthew calmly joins in, causing Alfred to smile widely. "Let's go!"

And with that, the three children throw their hand up in the air, letting out a quiet cheer. The three split off in different directions to get their job done.

Alfred's first stop was grabbing the bread. He grabs four slices and pops them into the toaster, failing to notice that the timer was put to its max. Deciding it would be good to multitask, Alfred moves on to get all the utensils needed.

While Alfred was shuffling around the kitchen grabbing all sorts of things, Matthew and [Y/N] try to piece together the instructions on the box of pancakes.

"These instructions are weird. I don't know about this Mattie," [Y/N] whispers, scared to let the shy boy down. Much to their surprise, however, Matthew shakes his head and softly smiles. He sets his plush down on the floor and grabs the box from [Y/N].

"It's alright. I've seen Papa make pancakes a lot, I'm sure I can do it." [Y/N] happily nods at Matthew and runs to the refrigerator. They open it and take out the carton of eggs and milk. They awkwardly hold the two items as they run back to Matthew, forgetting to close the fridge. Matthew grabs the eggs and sets it down on the counter alongside the box, [Y/N] following his lead. The two grab seats from the nearby dinner table and drag them to the kitchen counter.

"Alright, first we need some of the mix. Alfred, can you bring us a bowl?" Matthew asks as the two children climb the chairs and kneel on them. [Y/N] lazily rests their head on the counter as Alfred runs up to the two with three different mixing bowls. He hands Matthew all three before running off to do who knows what. "Ah...thanks..."

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