thirty eight

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Hanna stirred in bed as she heard shuffling coming from the room. Forcefully opening an eye, she spied Saif going about the room in a rush. Thinking that he probably was rushing to work, Hanna let her eyes drift shut as she sank back into slumber. It could have been minutes or even hours, but Hanna awoke with a start. Blinking she took in her surrounding and found Saif sitting next to her, with a frown marring his forehead.

"We missed Fajr this morning," he said tensely.

Hanna winced as she sat up straighter in bed. "Yeah, I'll get up now...," she trailed. Peaking at him from underneath her lashes, Hanna took Saif in from his wavy hair brushing his shoulders, to the stumbled jaw, to the worry lines creasing his forehead. There was an unhappiness that was radiating off of him and that made Hanna's heart race. Does he regret our kiss?, she wondered as she clenched her jaw.

"Hanna...," Saif trailed looking down and Hanna's heart now thundered.

"Yeah?" she croaked hoarsely, as she tried to smile at him.

"...Daddy-ji and his wife are here," he grated out, and she watched the tension in his jaw as he gritted his teeth.

"What do you mean? You mean they are downstairs right now?" she said her eyes wide, panic lacing her voice. "What's the time now?

He nodded solemnly. "It's half past eleven...I tried to get them to leave, but she insisted on seeing you."

Hanna quickly got out of bed, pausing as dizziness hit her immediately. "Look, you are clearly not okay. I am going to tell them to come back another time," he said as he rushed to her side.

"No, you are not going to do that Saif," Hanna stated sternly, as she placed her hands on his shoulder. "I'll be ready in five and come down."

"Pari, no."

"I'll be fine. I promise I'll give you a shout if I need you," she smiled softly as she looked up at Saif. She slowly tucked his hair behind his ear as she cupped his cheek. She could feel the tension under his skin as she caressed his cheek.

Walking towards the bathroom, she picked up her towel and went into the bathroom. Once the door was locked, she released a deep breath. She wondered if the fact she was ill was the reason that Saif's father and wife were here. Was she going to ask me if I am pregnant again?, Hanna grimaced as she brushed her teeth. Quickly rinsing out the toothpaste, she proceeded to wash her face. Combing her hair and putting it up in a sleek ponytail, she took off her pajamas. Wrapping herself up in a towel, Hanna walked into the room and picked out a clean set of undergarments and slipped on her favourite faded pair of blue boyfriend jeans. She had slipped on her grey chunky knit when she heard a knock on the door.

"Pari, you alright in there?" she heard Saif's worried voice through the door.

"Yeah, I'm almost done," she said as she loosely placed a gray scarf over her head. A quick glance at the mirror and she knew she was as ready as she could be.

Opening the door, she asked Saif with a cute smile, "How do I look?"

She watched as Saif frowned down at her, "You look like you need more rest."

Linking her arm through his, she pulled him towards the stair, "I'm fine. Now let's go meet the parentals." She chuckled lightly as he grunted in response.

"Come on," she smiled as she pulled him along. They walked down the stairs together and paused as they stood in front of the door to the living area.

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