thirty one

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A/N: Guys, please do vote and comment (especially on how you like the story progressing so far). It really really makes my day a whole lot brighter, especially since I am stuck in lockdown all over again. This year have been the shittiest year in my pretty short life. Also, how many of you are in lockdown as you are reading this? 

23 Oct 2020

Saif braced himself on the sink as he exhaled harshly. He desperately needed a bloody cold shower to calm down. The way his body reacted to Hanna scared him, and as well versed he was with sex; he knew absolutely nothing about the emotions and feelings connected to it. Sex had always been that, sex; sometimes great, other times forgettable. It served a purpose and when it was done, so was he. He had relationships, but it was in the loosest of terms. He had never been in love with anyone of his ex's. The only woman he did love, he never had a physical relationship with.

Saif shook his head as he quickly stripped out of his pajamas and stepped under the cool stream of water. He quickly showered and toweled off, shivering a bit in the cold he pulled on a bathrobe before he walked out of the bathroom. He bit his lip as he saw Hanna cocooned under blankets as she slept in his spot. He reached out and gently shook her and smiled as she blinked blearily. He reminded her about their prayers and watched as she slowly stretched and got off the bed heading into the bathroom.

Saif quickly got dressed and said his prayers, making way for Hanna to do the same. Once she was done, he called out when he saw her climb back into bed.

"Hanna," Saif said, "Let's go for breakfast."

"It's too early, Saif," she complained, her voice muffled under the duvet.

Pulling the duvet down to see her face, Saif said with a small smile, "Come on, it'll be a quick breakfast."

Seeing the albeit small smile on his face, Hanna couldn't resist and agreed to following him getting out of the bed with a huff as she hid her own smile. Her hair a mess of tangles that she hadn't bothered to brush out. She gathered her hair in a messy ponytail and loosely covered her hair with a scarf. She wore her gray woollen coat over her pyjamas and stuffed her feet into her sneakers.

"Ready," Hanna declared sleepily.

Shaking his head, Saif picked up both sets of room keys and phones as well as his messenger bag before heading out. He ushered Hanna out towards the lift. As the lift doors opened, they both stepped in with Hanna standing next to him. He felt her lean her head against his shoulder and he looked down at her. Saif could see her eyelashes fanning against her cheeks and asked her softly, "Sleepy, Pari?"

"No," Hanna answered after a beat, and made to move but Saif pulled her closer as he wrapped his arm around her waist. His arm remained around Hanna's waist as they exited the lifts and entered the dining room. The breakfast buffet was ready with the smell of eggs, sausages, and buttery pastries filling the air. Saif reluctantly let go of Hanna and told her to grab a table. He looked at the selection and grabbed a few delicate pastries that he thought Hanna might like and ordered an omelet with mushrooms and cheese. While waiting for his omelet, he picked up some toasted bread and headed to find Hanna. He found her in one of the quieter sections of the dining room where she had picked a table by the window. He gently set the plates down on the table and smiled as she looked up at him.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked.

"I'll just have some warm water. I'll make tea later in the room," she said as she smiled at him.

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