twenty eight

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Hanna rubbed her eyes as she heard the knock on her doorframe as it adjusted to the light that filled her room. Hanna hummed sleepily, as she knew Saif was waiting for her to wake up as he leaned against the door frame. He'd been doing that almost every morning since that night he slept on the floor.

Saif watched as Hanna sat up and rubbed her eyes, her red hair in a messy braid that went down her back. He couldn't help himself as he admired the curves of her body and the slope of her neck. It felt as though the air was sucked out of the room when she turned to smile at smile at him sleepily. Saif smiled at her shakily and knew that he needed some space, especially from all the intimacy they shared last night. The simple act of sharing toast while he massaged her feet left him feeling closer to her than sex with a partner did before.

Before he realized what was happening, he heard himself speak, "I'm thinking of Halwa Puri for breakfast. I'll be back in about 30 mins. Do you want anything?"

She smiled sleepily as she requested for a samosa. Saif lingered as he watched her get up and collect her towel, making her way to the bathroom. She paused as she looked up at Saif and smiled sweetly. He could see her hesitating as she looked at him. He froze when she rose on tiptoes and softly brushed her lips on his cheek. He stood frozen as she whispered good morning and disappeared into the bathroom. Why did this innocent brush of Hanna's lips against his cheek felt like a brand on his skin. Saif thundered down the stairs quickly not bothering to change out of his gray joggers and matching hoodie as he grabbed his things and let the door slam shut behind him.

Hanna frowned in the bathroom as she heard all the noise outside but choose to continue with her morning routine. Knowing that it would take Saif some time to get breakfast, she decided to shower and get ready for the day. She was hoping that she could ask Saif to swing by the vet surgery to visit the kittens that they rescued yesterday.

She picked a blue wash boyfriend jeans and paired it with a white chunky knit sweater. With all the makeup that she had on yesterday, she opted for just moisturiser and sunblock on for today. Too tired for anything else. Hanna brought her white scarf downstairs and paused as she heard the doorbell ring and wrapped it loosely, covering up her hair. Slowly opening the door, Hanna grinned as she saw Syafiq standing in front of her.

"Bhabhi yaar, let me in! It's freezing!" Syafiq said as he rubbed the palms of his hand together. Adjusting the scarf on her head, she opened the door wider as she let Syafiq in.

"Is the Halwa Puri here yet?" he demanded, as he took of his coat.

"Good morning to you too! Not yet, but Saif should be back soon I think," she said as she smiled at Syafiq.

"Thank God, I'm starving! I just finished with work, after breakfast I am most probably going to sleep the day away," Syafiq stated as he dropped himself into the sofa with a huff.

"Tea or coffee?" Hanna asked as she walked into the kitchen. She heard him shout for black tea without sugar and went about making it for Syafiq.

She thought he was asleep as she placed the cup on the coffee table in from of him. She was startled when she saw him make a move for his cup. She watched as he took as few sips with his eyes closed, and sighed.

"So how was your girls-night-out, Bhabi?" Syafiq asked as he paused in between sips, eyes trained on Hanna.

"How did you know about our night out?" she asked with a frown.

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