twenty three

711 55 3

So maybe I'm a masochist

I try to run but I don't wanna ever leave

Love the Way You Lie, Skylar Grey

Hanna groaned with frustration as the pen nib slipped and she ended up colouring outside of the lines. She had finally brought along her colouring books as well as the pens and pencils for it from her father's house. Her mind has been constantly working ever since she came home after talking to her father. All she had wanted this afternoon was to zone out of her thoughts and just do some colouring but even that was not working. Her thoughts somehow kept slipping back to Saif and the situation they were in.

They had settled into some sort of truce, where they spoke to each other simply. They said their good mornings, and good nights; but somewhere along the line the playful banter they had over the weekend was lost. And Hanna knew it was partly due to her. She didn't know how to act around him know that she accepted that she was sort of falling in love with Saif. Her skin would prickle in anticipation every time Saif touched her as if it was yearning for more. 

Closing the colouring book with a huff, Hanna scrolled through Spotify on her phone looking for a mix to play. Setting it to shuffle, she connected her phone to her Bluetooth speaker. As the bass of the song started, Hanna walked seductively to the shelf and placed her phone next to the speaker. She stretched her hands high up in the air and brought it down slowly, removing the scrunchie that held her hair up in a ponytail. To the beat of the song, Hanna also removed the zip up hoodie she had on, leaving her in a thin long sleeved t shirt over her bra that skimmed her bum and a thick pair of leggings which she finished off with her fuzzy socks.

Hanna rocked herself to the beat of the music hoping that just for a second, she could forget about the things that plagued her the rest of the time. 


Saif sat leaned his head back against the headrest in his car as he looked up at the house. He wasn't sure what exactly happened in Hanna's house when he left her there last Sunday, but a light had dimmed in her and it was replaced with nervous energy. It was definitely better than it had been the week before but he missed actually talking to her. He missed seeing her eyes alight with mischief. Sighing, Saif switched off the car engine. Collecting his keys from the glove compartment, he got out the car. After ensuring it was locked and he had his phone with him, Saif walked up to the front door.

Frowning, he was sure he could hear the thumping of the bass. Saif unlocked the door slowly and found that it was coming from inside the house. The phone in his jeans pocket kept vibrating as he stepped inside his house. Saif cautiously walked inside the house shutting the door softly behind him as he locked up. Dropping his things by the door, Saif toed off his sneakers. He went up as quietly as possible as he finally paused in front of Hanna's room door. The door was ajar, it was enough for Saif to catch a glimpse of Hanna's hand before it disappeared. Curious as to what she was doing, Saif slowly inched the door open and his breath caught in his throat.

He struggled to breath as he watched Hanna sashay around the room seductively in time to the beat of the song. Her brilliant red hair tumbled loosely around her shoulders and down her back. The same red hair that had fascinated him the moment he had gotten a glimpse of it. His fists clenched as he watched Hanna run her fingers through her hair, her hips moving in sync with the song. His body grew taunt as he watched her perform a series of complicated steps, her mouth wording the lyrics. Blood roared in his ears, as he watched Hanna smile and wink mischievously at her reflection.

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