thirty four

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A/N: Happy Diwali to all the lovely readers who are celebrating it! I hope you are able to have a lovely celebration with your close knit family at home. And above all remember; stay safe! 

We are still on lockdown here and I am having a horrible writers block. Please guys, show me the love with votes and comments. I am looking forward to reading all of them! xoxo

Hanna woke up feeling unbearably warm. She was pressed up against Saif's body, where her face was smushed up against the side of his torso. She wanted to move but her limbs felt heavy and her mouth felt dry and cottony. She groaned as she tried to sit up and could feel her body protesting the slight movements. She glanced at Saif and paused, he was shirtless in bed and it would make her blush a deep red if it would have been any other day. Her only aim now was to somehow reach the water bottles which was on the other side of the room but felt like it was at the other end of the world.

Trying to disentangle herself from the duvet proved to be an exercise in focus and patience and Hanna had none of it right at that moment. Groaning again, she stumbled out of bed, dragging the duvet covers with her and paused when she heard Saif call her name.

"Hanna," she turned around to see Saif sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I need some water," she croaked. Not bothered by the way she sounded, all she wanted was some water and then maybe to continue her sleep to get out of this funk she woke up in.

"Get back in bed, Pari. I'll get it," Saif said as he slowly stood up.

Hanna crawled in back into bed and sat up, watching as Saif continued to rub sleep out of his eyes as he went to get her water. She watched the muscles on his back flex admiringly as he picked up the water bottle.

"Why are you not wearing a t-shirt?" Hanna asked lowly, her hands on her cheeks as she covered the telltale flush that she knew would be visible. You bloody traitor, she thought of her own body.

"You don't remember?" Saif asked with a smirk as he walked back to her.

Her eyes widened in alarm. "Was it...was it something that I was supposed to remember?"

Saif sat down on the bed facing Hanna, their knees touching as he opened the water bottle and handed it to her. He watched as she guzzled down the water, her throat bobbing with each gulp. As soon as she placed the bottled water on the bedside table, Hanna gasped as Saif scooped her up placed her on his lap. She watched him with wide anxious eyes, her hands on his broad shoulders.

"You don't remember this? Sitting on me?" He murmured, his hands gripping her thighs firmly.

Hanna shook her head wildly, her heart picking up on its pace. The palms of her hands felt sweaty against the silk of Saif's skin.

"You don't remember coming close to me?" he whispered as he rested his forehead against hers, his breath hot on her lips.

Hanna shook her head again slowly, arrested by the sensation of Saif being so close to her. Her eyes fell shut automatically when he tilted his head and brushed his lips against her ears. Her heart pounding frantically in her chest as she waited for him to continue.

"You don't remember drooling all over my chest as you snored?" he breathed in her ears.

Hanna's brows furrowed in confusion, "Wait what?" she asked as she pushed him away. And it was only then that she registered the shaking of his shoulders, and how he was trying to hold in his chuckles.

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