Final Notes

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Hey lovely readers, 

Heaven From Here is finally finished. This book has quite honestly been the longest and most difficult book to complete. So many challenges to reach here, it was no joke. It took me roughly one and a half years to complete it. 

Originally HFH was only meant to be a novella, something short and sweet but somehow I got carried away and there were scenes in my head that I just absolutely had to write, I just had to include it in the book. 

But I was also stumped with how to end this book for the longest time. But with everything working against me, especially time since I really wanted to complete it before Eid 2021, I think I did pretty good. 

There might or might be bonus chapters, I have some ideas swirling around in my head, but they are not a priority to be completely honest (so don't hold your breath).

As usual, the entire month of Ramadan I will be off for a break. Please do make dua for me that i come back to writing, better and stronger. That my ideas work and take off. 

I have a couple of book ideas floating around but because they are so different to what I've already published on Wattpad, it worries me in terms of the reception it will get. 

Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. 

If you love this book and want to show support to me as an unemployed, unpaid, struggling writer; please do vote, comment, and share. Things like that helps the book in being visible so other can discover it too. 

Thank you once again to everyone who has read, commented, and voted. 

There will be no Saif and Hanna, if it weren't for your encouragement from The Segment

Finally, to all those who are celebrating, Ramadan Mubarak. 

Sending you all my love as I head to bed to crash for the night. 

Love, Farah Anwar

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