twenty two

644 46 3

And I need you to know that we're

Falling so fast

We're falling like the stars

Falling Like The Stars, James Arthur

Saif strained under the weights that he was lifting before he set them back with a huff and sat up. He wiped the sweat that dripped down his face when he felt someone nudge him in the arm.

"Check out the new bird that walked in. Hijabi and all, she's pretty cute," he heard his trainer, Russell say distractedly and Saif's eyes instantly looked up and landed on Hanna. It looked like she was being given a tour of the gym by one of the female trainers. Her eyes landed on Saif and she cocked an eyebrow as she scanned him from head to toe and continued walking on. Saif looked away to hide a smile that was pulling at his lips and heard Russell hooting and crowing as he witnessed the little exchange between them.

"You better not tell the missus about Little Miss Hijabi checking you out mate, she might not let you out of the house," Russell continued teasing Saif. Rolling his eyes, Saif wiped his face again and got ready for another set.

It was another 30 minutes before Saif was done with his workout, heading to the shower he craned his neck as he looked for Hanna. He finally found her chatting animatedly with the same person who was showing her around, Tanya or something-or-other, by the reception. He couldn't for the life of him remember her name. He frowned as he watched Russell walk up to the reception desk with a confident swagger in his gait. Frowning Saif continued towards the shower stalls.

Hanna caught a glimpse of Saif's back as he disappeared through some doors. Shifting her attention back to Tamara who was explaining the different classes. Even though Saif had called it 'girly shit' they had some interesting classes that could potentially make her sign up, but their membership rates were pretty steep. Hanna sighed internally as she looked at the brochure for Aerial Yoga, now that was something she would love to try. She had taken up yoga when she was in Glasgow for uni in a uni run program. The Guru's were fantastic and the prices student friendly.

Hanna swallowed as she realized what a dip into her savings a gym membership would do. She was still unemployed and without any interview callbacks. This was the longest period in her life where she found herself not working, she thought with a frown.

"Aw, no...Aerial Yoga isn't that hard really. You don't have to glare at it," Tamara said with a laugh seeing Hanna's expression.

Blinking, instantly her face relaxed and she shook her head, "No, this is actually the one class that would really seal the deal for me, but unfortunately the membership rates are a bit too steep for me right this moment," Hanna said sadly.

"That's a shame. But what I could do is let you have some free passes so that you could come in on the days of the class and have a go. But you have to promise that you won't tell anyone, not even a soul about these free passes. Every trainer has some and we only give it to people we really like, and I could see how excited you were about this particular class when we did the tour," Tamara said with a conspiratory wink.

"Oh my God, that'll be fantastic! Thank you," Hanna gushed.

"So, I'll just put you in the beginner's classes under my name. If for any reason you can't make it let me know and I'll cancel out your name so that other members can join the class," Tamara said as she tapped a few buttons on the computer at the reception desk.

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