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There was no was possible for Hanna to describe the happiness that she had been feeling all day. From the moment that Saif started colouring with her on the plane to the sweetest thank you he said while giving her a chaste kiss after she had dried his hair. Of course, her ego was more than boosted as she watched him struggle with himself when he barged in on her in the bath. She could see him physically struggling to calm down, and it made her wonder what it would take to make him snap. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep her from smiling.

They exited the warm confines of the hotel and stepped into the crisp, cool winter air. Everywhere she could see, there were Christmas decorations on display. She smiled lazily up at Saif, as he waited for her to catch up to him. Walking up to him she asked, "You know where we are heading?"

"Yes, it's about 8 minutes by foot. You okay to walk in those shoes?" he asked as he looked down at her feet and was relieved to see that she was wearing her black sneakers.

"Should be alright. It's such a nice evening for a walk," she exhaled with a happy sigh.

They walked slowly through the streets, both absorbing the sights as well as each other's company. The spicy scent of the kebabs pulled them faster towards the shop and they quickly placed their orders.

They sat in a booth by the window facing each other. Content with the silence between them as they people watched. Their food arrived soon after they sat down and both of them tore into their dinner.

"This is pretty good," Saif said after a few bites. He watched as Hanna dipped a chip into ketchup and lifted it to her lips.

"It is, but the one you got for me that was better," she said as she thought back to the night of Sana's Walima.

She watched in delight as Saif smiled at her as he continued eating. Once done with their dinner they walked around the area a little bit. As their hands brushed, Saif smoothly laced their fingers and they continued walking hand in hand. As the hotel came into sight, Hanna saw Saif stifle a yawn. "You should really get some sleep. It's another long day tomorrow for you right?"

"Yeah, it is," he said as he opened the door of the hotel for Hanna. "What are your plans?"

"I am going to be meeting my friend Karen for brunch. Her half brother, or something like that, is part of an art exhibition so she has invited me to tag along," she said as they waited for the lifts.

Stepping into the lifts, the each took a corner and leaned against it, as they looked at each other. "Just keep me updated on where you are going. I'll be back after lunch and we'll go to the red-light district after that," Saif said.

"Yes, Sir," Hanna answered cheekily. Saif shook his head with a small smile playing on his lips as they exited the lifts and walked towards their room.

Entering the room, removing their outerwear, Hanna watched as Saif immediately picked out his sleepwear and headed towards the bathroom. Stiil feeling buzzed from the events of the day, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so soon. Picking up her travel tote, she rummaged inside and found her marker pens. Now, where could my book be? She wondered with a frown. She searched again in her tote and couldn't find it there. She gasped when she realised it was Saif who had put it away on the plane. She wanted to check his messenger bag but restrained herself from doing so. Instead, she picked up her pajamas from the bag and quickly shrugged off her sweater.

She had finished changing as she heard the door to the bathroom open with Saif walking out in joggers and a loose muscle tee. Hanna swallowed as the bold lines and swirls of the tattoos on Saif's body were clear for her to admire.

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