twenty seven

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Hanna closed her eyes as blood thundered through her veins. Her heart pounding with every beat of the bass. The arm that had pulled her close in a show of affection felt suffocating around her. Pasting a small smile on her face, Hanna looked up at Saif, and saw the remorse, regret, and frustration clearly on every feature of his handsome face.

"I-I..I'll just let the girls know that we'll be leaving soon," she said to him as she stepped out of his embrace. She felt his fingers dig into her waist stopping her as she walked away before it fell away from her body. Turning around to look up at him, she watched as he nodded at her, pale faced.

As she said her goodbyes to the girls, she bumped into the same sequin clad body again. "Oh, it's you...hijabi girl...,"Nazneen drawled, Hanna wrinkled her nose as she picked up the scent of alcohol on her breath. "Have you had sex with him yet? Oh fuck, you probably don't even know what that means. You know, sex? Intercourse? Fucking? The birds and the bees?" She said as she laughed wildly struggling to hold herself upright

"He probably didn't enjoy it did he? You look like a damn bloody child...," she said in mock sadness, her pink lips in a downturn pout. "You know, all the while I was with him, I never thought he would have a little girl fetish," Nazneen continued as she swayed slightly, her brows twisted as she watched Hanna look at her calmly.

"You must be feeling so smug, aren't you? That you have him, and I don't? Poor little Nazneen, pining after Saif Riaz Sarwar...," Nazneen said as anger crept into her words. "You can think whatever you want, but I will have always had him first. He was always mine first."

Looking her straight in her eye, Hanna calmly agreed and said pointedly, "He was."

Nazneen blinked in shock, as Hanna excused herself and walked towards the exit of the club.

Exiting the club all the strength that she had summoned while Nazneen was confronting her, left her and she sat on the curb with a huff dumping her coat and her bag in her lap. The cool air nipped at her skin, but she preferred it compared to the stifling heat in the club. Hanna leaned back and looked up at the sky; the air was foggy, but she was still able to spot the crescent moon hiding behind clouds.

"What do I do, Ya Allah? What do I do?" she whispered as she looked up at the moon. A small meow by her feet caught her attention. Hanna searched around her feet until she saw a pair of gold colored eyes looking at her mournfully. Hanna lifted her hand out to pet the kitten, but it shrank back into the shadows. Leaving her hand outstretched Hanna held her breath as she remained as still as she possibly could.

"What are you doing?" she heard Saif ask her gruffly. Shushing him, she waited patiently until a small body with matted black fur walked up to her cautiously. Sniffing her fingers, it gently rubbed its head against her palm.

"It's a kitten," she said with awe. She turned to look at Saif without realizing it she was imploring him with her eyes. "Poor thing is out in the cold."

Hanna started as she felt it sink its claw on her leg and proceed to climb up her pants and settle in her lap. There was another little meow that came from her other side and Hanna started as she felt another set of claws on her leg. She watched in shock as another black ball of fur landed in her lap making itself comfortable. Hanna could feel the contentment of the kittens as the purrs vibrated through their whole body.

"And you thought you weren't a pet type person," Saif said slowly, watching as Hanna basked in the attention of the kittens.

"Well, I wasn't a dancing in public type person either," she said as she looked at him pointedly. Her smiled dimmed as the words Nazneen said came bubbling to the surface. "We can't just leave them here though?" Hanna asked as she looked at the sleepy bundle on her lap.

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