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"You very smart man, Bilal Sahab," he had heard a feminine voice say next to him in accented broken English. The walima was already over and Hanna's father Awad, stood at the back of the hall as he watched Hanna and her friends goofing around on the stage as they took photos. He also couldn't help but notice the furtive glances between Hanna and Saif, as he smiled to himself. It was working, he thought, Hanna was bringing out that playfulness, that confidence in Saif that he had only caught glimpses off.

Bilal Sahab turned around and came face to face with Hajirah. Awad lowered his gaze, confused as to what this woman was saying to him.

"Your daughter; half gori, half Arabi. Gore log don't want her, Arabi log don't want her. You...You trapping rich Pakistani boys," Hajirah said angrily.

"Trapping...rich Pakistani boys...," Awad muttered in confusion. "Astaghfiruallah sister, no..."

"They, these community people see her...at bus stop, with that Saif...kissing," she hissed angrily. "...now she after my son! My Syafiq!" She continued in anger, her raised voice catching Sarwar's attention.

"Kissing...," Awad whispered, it felt as if his world has tilted off its axis.

"Hajirah, maine kaha tha baat khatam. Ye tumne kya kardiya? (Hajirah, I already said the topic is closed. What have you done?)," came Sarwar's sharp reply.

"Iski beti Saif ko chodke, aab mera beta ke piche padi hai. Tumhe toh koi fikir hi nahi hai aapne bete ki (His daughter has left Saif and is not after my son. You are so unconcerned over our son)," She shrieked.

"Bas (enough)," Sarwar said with finality as he glared at his wife his tone brook no arguments with his. Hajirah left in a huff, he knew she would call upon Syafiq to take her home. He turned towards Bilal Sahab, and winced. The man had his head bowed and shoulders hunched, he looked like he was crushed by Hajirah's rude and harsh words.

"Bilal Sahab, I'm Sarwar; Saif's father. I apologize for my wife's behavior, she loves her own son too much that it clouds her judgement to others," Sarwar said gently. "Come Bilal Sahab, sit with me," Sarwar gently placed his hand in a friendly gesture around Bilal Sahab and guided him to a seat.

"I had planned on coming to meet you, to meet your daughter. She is very sweet," Sarwar said as he looked up at the stage and watched as Hajirah called Syafiq down, forcing him to take her home right now.

"I know my wife upset you, Bilal Sahab. But have faith in our children," Sarwar said trying to comfort the man who looked broken.

"You can call me Awad, it always feels weird when I get referred to by my job," Awad said softly, pausing. "I thought I was doing the right thing, by letting Saif and Hanna get to know each other," Awad confessed. "I was selfish, I had wanted to see them married."

Awad was shocked when he heard the loud smack on the table, looking up he saw Sarwar smiling brightly. "I agree! Let's get them married!"

"No," Bilal Sahab shook his head. "The rumour mill will be working overtime if they get married. And I don't have courage to hear the nonsense that they will say about my Hanna."

"No. Awad. Have faith; Allah s.w.t. will only test us with as much as we can handle, never more. Besides, who cares what people say," Sarwar said trying to convince him. "People can say whatever they want, ultimately we need to think of the best for our children."

"I...I'll have to think about it," Bilal Sahab said quietly.

"I'll come to your house on Wednesday," Sarwar pushed just a little bit more. "And we'll discuss more then, okay?" Sarwar thumped Awad's back in a friendly gesture. He was thrilled that Awad had already thought about Hanna and Saif bound in marriage.

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