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Shit. Shit. Shit. Not again. He saw a flash of deep red hair, before it was haphazardly covered by a silky dark purple scarf. The person had whipped around, and he could only stare. He was pinned to the spot by green eyes with hints of hazel in them. The owner of said pair of eyes was probably screaming at him but it all felt like white noise to him.

The eyes looked away and faced the door, and he felt irritated. What drew the attention away from him, he wondered as he looked at the door his brows knotted in annoyance.

"How the hell, do I always end up finding you in the ladies room, Saif?" Farrah said exasperated, with a chuckling Ben behind her. "Come on, we're about to leave."

Saif walked calmly to the sinks and proceeded to wash his hands. He slyly looked at the girl's reflection; she was holding her hijab with a white knuckled grip, anger painted on cheeks in bold brushes of red, and her eyes were glaring daggers at him.

"Take a picture, mate. It lasts longer," the girl in the mirror almost growled at him in anger.

Saif quickly averted his gaze as he looked down into the sink a small smile playing on his lips.

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