forty two

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Saif flinched as the door slammed shut again from his position on the couch, this time the house shuddered with the force of it. He sat slumped on the couch and resting his head against the cushion of the couch with his arm over his eyes.

"What is it now, Syaffiq?" Saif croaked out roughly. He jumped again as he felt something hit him and the flutter of a sheaf of papers as it scattered around him.

Sitting up right, his eyes widened as he saw Hanna standing in front of him absolutely fuming in anger. Her entire face was a flushed red, as she shook from both the cold and anger.

"Hanna...," Saif whispered in an almost reverent manner, as he sat up straight.

"Would you care to explain these?" Hanna asked, as her voice shook with anger.

"Pari...I...," Saif trailed miserably, as his eyes drunk in the vision of an angry Hanna in front of him. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to convince himself that she was real and not just a figment of his imagination but tucked his hands under his thighs instead.

"Don't. Don't 'Pari' me. You what, Saif? Just because you are a couple of years older than me, you think that you know everything? That you are smart and clever just because you have experience. But guess what, you are as clueless as they come. Did you for one second even ask me what I wanted? Did you for one second think about my feelings? Did you?" Hanna raged, her eyes blazing heat.

"Hanna...," he mumbled speechless in the face of her rage.

"Ask me, Saif; ask me what do I want?" she said in a loud voice.

"How did you get here?"

"That's...that's what you're worried about? How I got here?" she asked her eyes wide with unsuppressed shock and anger.

"'re going to miss the train," Saif said feebly as he stared at her.

"Fuck the train Saif!" Hanna screamed in frustration.

" swore...," he said incredulous, his lips itching to curve into a smile.

"Yes, I did. Don't smile, Saif!" she said as she wiped the tears that were not under her control. "I got an email of a photo," she said as she watched Saif's expression drop.

"...And?" he asked looking away.

"It was a photo of us, you and me, in Amsterdam and the gallery. Do you want to look at it?" she asked tersely.

Saif nodded quietly and waited as Hanna fished her phone out from her trench coat. She almost chucked it as him once she pulled up the photo. "Tell me it doesn't look like we are not in love with each other?"

Saif remained quiet as she looked through the images of Hanna and him hugging, and how they pulled away from each other still looking deeply in each other's eye without caring about those around them.

"...fuck the train?" he repeated as he looked up at her.

"Yes, fuck it," she cried, as the tears rolled down her cheeks at an alarming rate.

"Hanna, can I hold you?" he asked in a quiet voice as he watched her struggling to keep her composure.

"I thought you would never want to," she said as she flew into his arms on the couch. They hugged each other as tightly as they could. Molding their bodies together, so that it could speak the words that they couldn't.

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