Journey to the Forest

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We see Ban, Salem, and King walking through a lush green forest as they continued on their journey. "The Fairy King's Forest has vanished completely, and now it's a barren land where nothing grows anymore. I saw it with my own eyes ten years ago. Why go there now?" King asked as he floated on his large green pillow behind the couple. "That's none of your business! stop following me." Ban complained as he kept on walking. "I'm following you. That is, until you tell me the truth." King stated as Ban kept on walking not saying another word. But then their trek was halted as Salem suddenly stopped in his tracks, when the fairy and the immortal turned to look at him, their brows furrowed in confusion as they saw Salem's shocked face, seeing as he had sensed the sudden rise of demonic power coming from the Southeast. "So they're finally free, huh? Good." Salem thought as his look of shock turned into a sly grin. "Hey Salem, are you ok?" The taller male asked with concern as the male in question walked past them. "Never better."

Their journey continued onto a dry rocky terrain as they continued to venture on."Hey, King. You sure you're okay with this? If you leave without saying anything, Diane will worry about you." Ban said catching the fairy's attention. "I remember what she said. "If King goes away, I'll miss him so much I'll die!" Ban quoted as King looked at him with anticipation. "Huh? Is that true?" "Just kidding!" Ban stated with a closed eye grin as King then attacked him with "increase". "Who are you to talk? You have Salem. So what's with that?" King asked with an annoyed tone as he pointed to a large rock nearby as Ban turned to look at Salem. They then gave each other a sly nod. "Oh, right. that." "It's simple really." The couple exclaimed as Ban swung his three-sectioned staff in an underhand motion releasing a wave of purple energy at the rock and Salem fired a sword at it using his gate. When the cloud of dirt and dust dissipated we see Jericho standing where the rock once stood. Wearing a blue, thigh-high once piece with a darker blue heart pattern creating a clover on her chest, with bright yellow knee-high boots with knee guards, a white crop-top jacket with silver armor sleeves and black fingerless gloves, all while having her lavender hair in a ponytail, and carrying a sword on her back. "Y-Yo!" Jericho greeted with a blush as Ban looked at her in confusion. "Oh. Janko, was it?"

"It's Jericho!" The female corrected him as she marched on over to them. "What are you doing here?" Ban asked uninterested. "I-It seemed like you were going off somewhere, and I was curious, so I kinda followed, that's all." Jericho stated simply as the three males looked at her with either looks of confusion or disinterest. "You got a problem with that?" "Huh? Why would you follow me?" Ban questioned the girl. "Whatever the reason, you're to blame! So take responsibility and bring me along!" "Ugh! What a pain." Ban said as he kept on walking, continuing on their trek as their new party member followed close behind. "I feel like I'm going to regret asking this but... What did you do?" Salem asked walking next to Ban. "I stripped her naked once, that's all." Ban said embarrassed as King was surprised and Salem looked at him with narrowed eyes. "What? That's going too far, don't you think?" King exclaimed as they were suddenly caught in the middle of a large fog. Jericho then ran up and grabbed Ban's left arm. "Would you mind not grabbing my arm?" The pale cyan haired male asked in an irritated tone.

"It can't be helped! I can't see ahead!" Jericho stated with a blush as King floated over to a surprisingly calm Salem. "Hey, Salem. Aren't you worried about Jericho?" "Nope." "Really?! How come?" King asked baffled at his response. "Why should I worry about someone stealing his heart, when he doesn't have one?" "What do you mean by that?" King asked with a hint of confusion and worry. "Because I already stole it." Salem stated with a sly smirk as the fog cleared revealing a lush beautiful green forest with a gigantic tree growing at the center sprouting pink leaves. "What is this place?" Jericho asked in awe. "It's the Fairy King Forest." Salem informed as King look upon it in disbelief "It's true. I sense the same magical power of the Great Tree of the Fairy King's Forest from that young tree. It's really... It's really true that the Fairy King's Forest is still alive." King said with a soft smile as he wiped tears from his eyes.

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