Echoes of the Past

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Diane and Elizabeth were standing in the middle of Elaine's room as the blonde fairy sat in a purple chair wearing a pale pink dress, with a book on her lap. "Is your body okay?" Diane asked with concern. "Yes. Since my soul is tied to my body by a forbidden technique, it's nowhere near what it was before, but... By the way, Diane, what's the situation in the Fairy King's Forest?" Elaine asked the shrunken giantess. "Well, a lot happened but everyone is fine! That's right, King and I went to Britannia 3,000 years in the past, and we ran into the captain back then, Salem or in that case Ares, as well as an Elizabeth who looked just like you!" Diane stated excitedly. "Ares..." Elaine whispered his name as images of Ares appeared in her mind, some of his carnage, others were kinder. One in specific was in the Fairy King's Forest, where Ares seemed to be laughing. One of their many interactions at night, back when him and Salem were cursed.

(Courtyard: Yesterday)

"You, Salem... Are the Eighth Deadly Sin!" Barra exclaimed as everyone's eyes widen. "A-An Eight Sin?" "That's unheard of!" "That doesn't sound right." The many Holy Knights began talking amongst themselves. "Ahem!" Bartra said silencing the Knights. "Yes, An Eighth Sin." "But Your majesty, how is that possible? There are only Seven Sins." Diane said in confusion. "Actually, it is very possible." Salem replied confusing everyone. "Centuries ago there was a lonely Human monk, who traveled to a monastery in the middle of a desert, isolated from everyone. There, he spent many days and nights, where he created a list containing the deadliest temptations, he believed there were eight. Pride, Greed, Wrath, Apathy, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, And Vainglory." Salem explained. "Wait, but what about the Sin of Sloth?" A Holy Knight asked. "Originally Sloth wasn't on the list, but later when the Eight Deadly Temptations, were taken in by the Church of the Goddesses, where the high priest at the time, took the list and altered it. Changing them from Eight down to Seven, and instead of temptations, made them Sins. He took Apathy and another temptation, not on the list, which was Melancholy, and combined them, creating the Sin known as Sloth. And lastly, Vainglory, was merged with Pride, since they were very similar. And thus, the Seven Deadly Sins, were created." Salem stated, which caught everyone by surprise.

"Now that the history lesson, is over. Bartra, you said I was the Eighth Deadly Sin. In that case, which one am I guilty of?" Salem questioned. "Salem Dawnstar... Due to your Vainglorious actions 3,000 years ago, you were punished by the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. Therefore it is only fitting that you help bring an end to the threat that is posed by the Ten Commandments." King Bartra exclaimed. "Very well." Salem replied as he easily broke his restraints with little effort.

"I Accept!"

Bartra nodded towards Merlin, the mage then landed in front of her brother. She grabbed his right hand, her other hand hovered over his right wrist. "Salem, with this mark, you join our ranks, as one of the Seven Deadly Sins." Meliodas said, standing next to the other Sins. "From now on, you shall be known as..." Merlin said as a red tattoo appeared on his right wrist. Salem tensed at the sudden burning pain, almost as if he was being marked with a branding iron.

"Salem, The Seven Deadly Sins' Secret Eighth Sin, The Leopard Sin of Vainglory!"

Salem looked down at the crimson Leopard tattoo on his right wrist. He then turned to the other Sins, raising his hand, showing off his marking. The Holy Knights and the other Sins cheered as Ban and Salem shared a loving glance.

(Present Day: Boar Hat)

Salem wore a sleeveless, dark grey colored tailcoat, black leather pants, and high-heeled boots. He rested against the railing of the balcony outside his and Ban's shared room, massaging the crimson red leopard tattoo that adorned his right wrist as his platinum tailcoat flowed gently in the soft breeze. "The Leopard Sin of Vainglory, the secret Eighth Sin... has a nice ring to it." Salem heard a familiar voice speak. "What do you want?" Salem asked irritably as a red aura emanated from him, and began to take form. It turned into a tall, muscular man, with sharp facial features, dark crimson eyes, and tanned skin. His hair was dark, the top and sides of his hair were somewhat long, the hair on the back was longer, reaching past his collar bone. He wore a long black cardigan and black sweatpants, his muscular torso exposed, as he walked barefoot. "I came to talk." The taller male said, leaning his back against the railing, crossing his arms, as he looked over at Salem. "What could you possibly want to talk about now, Ares?" Salem questioned as he turned to look at his dark counterpart. "You already know that this war, will change us." "Yes, I know..." "The effects of this war will become more prominent as time grows on... It affects us even know." Ares stated, gesturing towards Salem's left hand and his own right hand .

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