Past Meets Present

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The two lovers looked back to see two beings, standing a few feet away. The first was female. A young woman with long, pink hair. She wore a sleeveless white leotard with horizontal and vertical lines in the middle and on top her breast. She also wore a pink bow on the collar of her leotard. Also wearing long, pink stockings with white ornaments going around each stocking at the thigh. All while constantly be cloaked in a shroud of her own darkness. A member of the Ten Commandments. Melascula of Faith.

Beside her was a very tall and slender humanoid demon. At first sight, he can be mistaken for someone wearing a full set of red and silver armor. This is his actual body. His knees and elbows were covered with fierce and sinister mask-like designed pads. Another member of the Ten Commandments. Galand of Truth.

"The Vengeful Soul Resurrection Law is a forbidden technique that amplifies the dead's regrets, and summons their rage back to this world as a life force. If you fight this rage, or if your regrets vanish, then death will await you once again." The demoness explained as Salem looked at her with disgust and rage. "But you already knew that didn't you, Salem? Or should I call you by your other name?" Spoke the commandment of faith with a sickeningly sweet closed eye smile. "I have never used that technique in my life. It goes against everything I stand for. And that name has no sway over me." Salem stated but then his and his companions' eyes widen, while the two demons smiled smugly as Salem was turned to stone. "Salem! What did you do!?" Ban shouted at the two demons as Galand began to laugh. "Anyone who lies in my presence shall be turned to stone. As is the curse of the Commandment of Truth." The older demon informed as he stroked his spiked chin, as if it were a beard. But then they heard cracking sounds.

As they looked over to Salem's petrified body, they saw cracks beginning to form as a red glow began to emanate from within. The demons looked upon in shock as Salem had broken free from his stone prison. "Well that was fun." Salem stated sarcastically. "T-That's impossible! You should've remained petrified for ever!" Melascula exclaimed in shock. "You see, there's your problem. You forget who you're dealing with." Salem stated as his eyes glowed a deep red as a murderous aura began to emanated from him as the two demons took a step back, unintentionally shivering. Ban then stood next to his lover after he gave Elaine to Jericho. "Are you one of the Seven Deadly Sins that Fraudrin mentioned?" Melascula asked as she turned to look at Ban. "Fraudrin? I don't know that name." Ban say with a bored expression. "You two tell me your names first." Ban stated causing Galand to laugh. "For a mere Human, you're quite a feisty brat!" "I'm Melascula of Faith, of the Demon race's Ten Commandments." "Galand of Truth, the same." The two elite demons informed. Ban then outstretched his hand as his three-sectioned staff flew out of his bag and into his hand. "I'll kill you." Ban say with a serious look on his face. "A mere Human, kill us, the Ten Commandments?" Galand said mockingly as he then teleported behind Ban and slashed him with his lance while Salem leapt away. "Critical Strike!"

"Damned whippersnapper!" Galand cursed as Ban was cut in half and his body fell to the floor. "Why are you so irritated?" "This isn't enough to heal the wounds I received from that traitor. It won't cure the humiliation Meliodas inflicted on me!" Galand exclaimed. "Oh, yeah? Traitor of the Demon race, huh? So it was the Captain who did that to your face? Ban questioned referring to Galand's face, which looked damaged. "How can you still be alive after your body was split in half?" Galand asked as Ban stood up, his body being healed. "I'm Undead Ban. There's no one who can kill me." Ban stated with a sly grin while massaging his neck with his right hand. "These Seven Deadly Sins... are they all curiosities like you?" Melascula questioned with intrigue. "I guess. And we all love to obliterate guys like y—" Ban was cut off by Galand striking him with a backhand, destroying Ban head in the process. "Undead or not, if I destroy you head, it's over for you." The older demon stated but was surprised to see Ban get back up, his head fully regenerated. "Huh? I've never seen any Human regenerate after that. Is that his magical power?" "A magical power disappears the moment it's host expires. What we're seeing is his unique attribute. He's sure to be hiding some other latent power." Melascula stated as Galand approached him while Ban cracked his neck. "Interesting. I apologize for calling you a whippersnapper. I'm will to take just one punch from you, if you want. What do you say? Will you show me that magical power of yours?" Galand asked sincerely as Ban smirked. "Those games you play will one day be the death of you." Melascula stated as she facepalmed. "It's a handicap! As it is, it's two against one." "You're going to regret this!" Ban stated as Galand laughed. "I'm Galand of Truth, I keep my promises!" Galand stated as Ban then twirled and swung his three-sectioned staff around. He then cross his arms and spread his legs.

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