In The Name of Love

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In Purgatory, we see Meliodas, Ban, and Wild approach the Demon King. Ban extends his hand out to the gigantic demon, preparing to use his magical power on him. "I'm Too Disappointed To Sigh. You Have Come To Me Again, Only To Have Your Powers Stolen By Me." The Demon King spoke in a bored tone as Ban smirked. "Ha! If you're going to steal them... then we'll give you the whole mother lode." Ban stated as the Demon King suddenly fell to his knees. Ban began panting while Wild gasped in shock. "Demon King... The true form behind your absurd magic "The Ruler" is...


"It changes any attacks and weakening maneuvers made against you into healing and strengthening ones." Meliodas explained as his father began to chuckle. "Admirable. Most Admirable... Now Things Will Be A Little Less Boring." The Demon King spoke as he then bellowed out a deep laugh. "The Real fight starts now!!" "I know it!" Meliodas and Ban stated as the three of them stood ready for a fight. 

"Meliodas... Or Rather, The Essence Of My Son's Emotioins. I Will Never Let You Return To The Mortal Plane."


The three of then ran past the Demon King in search of the gate. The Demon King then picked up his giant sword and tried to attack them but Ban used his new power "Gift" to immobilize him. Ban was able to keep him occupied long enough for Wild to find the doorway out of Purgatory, which was a giant hole in the ground with a white portal at the bottom. The Demon King was able to catch Ban, seeing as he has the ability to turn off his magical power and intentionally restored the damage that Ban did to him. But before The Demon King could do anything to him, Meliodas rescued him. The blonde then told Ban to go through the portal while he kept his father busy, even though Ban objected he agreed and ran towards the doorway. The Demon King swung his giant sword at them, but Meliodas redirected attack around them leaving them unscathed. "Unacceptable! You Dare Disobey Your Own Father, You Good-For-Nothing?"

"I never once considered you to be my Father."

The fight between Father and Son raged on, their immense power and battle shook the ground. But the Demon King got the upper hand and was able to pin Meliodas into the ground. "Meliodas Has What It Takes To Inherit My Throne. It's You, His Emotions, that He Doesn't Need!"

"Be Gone."

But before The Demon King could strike down Meliodas, he was hit by a blast of lightning. This caused him to fall on to one knee. It was then revealed to be that Wild had struck him. Standing in front of Meliodas, his body was surrounded by lightning as his large tusks became sharper and had smaller ones coming out of them. Wild then asked Ban to stand in front of the doorway. Then with his hind legs, Wild kicked Meliodas towards Ban. Catching Meliodas in the process, the two Sins fell into the doorway. The Demon King tried to stop them but Wild attacked him, even though it meant sacrificing himself. 

"Knowing that Mild's alive and well, made the wait of these past 8 million years worth it... And it's all thanks to you. I regret not getting to see my little brother, but what he needs more than an older brother he doesn't even know, are three friends like you... I'm sure of it. Sir Meliodas. Sir Salem. Sir Ban. Take Care!!"

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