Revelations of Chaos

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"What did you do to Arthur? And Salem? What did you mean by Chaos." Meliodas asked Merlin, giving her a serious look. That is what Salem had first heard when he awoke, his eyes opening up. "Salem! You're okay? Ban asked as he helped Salem to stand. "I will be." Salem then looked towards his sister. Arthur was alright and calm, but his senses told him he must've missed a battle while he was unconscious 

"Chaos. It's a simultaneously pure and impure entity. Even the Demons fear it's darkness, even the Goddesses worship it's light. It's power is immense, and it's believed that, with a single intention, it brought about this world and all the races from nothingness. That would include the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. This lead the wise men of antiquity to call it, "The Mother of Chaos." I had explained as much when Salem went missing through the timestream. Arthur, you command Chaos. That makes you the king who will lead Britannia into a new world." Merlin explained.

Arthur was shocked and confused.

"Why, would you awaken a power that's just as much a curse as it is a blessing? What exactly are you plotting? If this is your wish, I don't understand it!" Meliodas questioned angrily.

"My wish, huh?" Merlin scoffed.

"Allow me to answer that question on Merlin's behalf." Spoke the voice from the lake.

"I will tell you of the wish made by a lonely wish who wandered the land in search of Chaos." She spoke again.

"And just who is it that's talking? Come out. Show yourself!" Meliodas demanded.

"She can't." Spoke Salem as he walked over to Merlin. "She cannot part from the lake for she and it are one. She was wrought from Chaos itself. The Ancients call her the "Lady of the Lake", but she is also known as the "Priestess of Chaos."

"Sorry, but for 3,000 years I have heard only Salem mention Chaos, but simply in passing." Meliodas stated.

"The reason for that, is, for the past 3,000 years, they have both hidden it from you and everyone else." The Lady of the Lake stated, shocking the Sins.

"Merlin and Salem kept something that big a secret from us?" Diane asked.

"Spit it out, you two." Meliodas demanded.

"Let me tell you a story of eons past." The lake then show an image, reflected in its waters, a memory to be precise.

"Long ago here in Britannia, there existed a capital where the superior wise men of humanity lived, called Belialuin. There, under the pretext of researching the ultimate magic, but really to serve as weapons against the higher rankings of Demons and Goddesses, human children who possessed an aptitude for magic were experimented on as test subjects. Among then, twins were born. One with the strongest and most powerful unique magic. And the other born with no power whatsoever. Those twins were Merlin and Salem."

"From birth, she was a prodigy with talent and wit who far surpassed the wise men of the capital. While her brother was ostracized for his lack of magic. But on the inside, they were nothing more that children hungering for the love of a parent. All their father, the leader of the wise men, gave then was reading materials and tests. Sick of it all, she up and ran away one day. The one that saved her from the life of a runaway was a young boy. Meliodas of the Demon race."

"When he gently put out his hand to offer help, her heart was filled. Filled with a love she had never known. Every time she saw him, the feeling deepened, and with time transformed into something special. No matter how much time passed, Meliodas never developed romantic feelings for her. Merlin worried, thought, and then decided. She abandoned her form as a little girl and recreated herself as an adult woman. The stopped the time that coursed through her. All in hopes that she could win over Meliodas' heart forever. But that hope was taken away in an instant by Elizabeth of the Goddesses. Shock. Sadness. Anger. Jealousy. Young Merlin was assailed by the dizzying maelstrom of emotions. Even so, she could not bring herself to hate the two of them."

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