End of an Era

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"What is that thing?" That creepy monster cat bit Salem's arm off." Ban spoke as he stood protectively over Salem.

"But I thought he was supposed to be Arthur's friend?" Diane asked. "Priestess, do you know it's true identity?" Merlin questioned as Elizabeth helped heal Salem's injury. "I do. I didn't recognize him earlier because his appearance and magic are so different from before. That creature is the physical incarnation of desire and obsession with the power of Chaos. He craves the power to become the King of Chaos himself. The beastly tyrant who challenged Chaos to a fight." The priestess spoke as Salem sat up.

"Cath Palug. Legend has it that he lost the fight with Chaos and committed so much evil in the land where he was exiled that he was sealed away by the Goddesses." Salem explained.

"So we fighting him? What's the call?" Ban asked Meliodas. "Do not treat him lightly." Salem stated. Waving his right hand over the stump where his left arm used to be, a magical, golden prosthetic arm took its place. He moved it around and flexed like as if nothing had happened.

"I beg of you, wait." Arthur called out.

"Cath, please. I don't understand. You must have some reason for doing this, right? After all, you risked your life to protect me time and time again." Arthur pleaded with the monster.

"I only did that, so you'd eventually awaken to your power of Chaos. Sure, you'd taste okay as you were, but you'll taste exquisite once you awaken!" Cath rambled as he drooled all over.

Cath the blanketed the area in darkness. "Is this also the power of Chaos?" Elizabeth asked.

"Hey, come on. Just let me eat you already!" The area around them became and endless cavernous mouth intent on devouring everyone. Everyone tried their best to attack Cath but none of the Sin's attacks were doing anything.

"Cath, I just have one question for you. What exactly am I to you?" Arthur asked.

"Why my tasty, delicious meal, that I've waited so long to enjoy, of course. Although your champion was a tasty appetizer, now I get to have all of you! Don't delay me any longer. Let me eat you!" Cath rambled as Arthur began to glow with radiant golden light.

Then with quick slashed, Cath's pocket dimension was destroyed, and everyone was freed. Arthur stood hold Excalibur which now looked to have facets of both Goddess and Demon.

"When the Holy Sword has fulfilled it's role as a key, it will become a true Holy Sword and return to it's master's side." Spoke to Priestess.

"I'm so overjoyed! You're amazing, Arthur! Ooh, I can't stop drooling! Let me eat every last teeny morsel of your entire being!" Cath continued to ramble.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that because it means I can strike down with no hesitation." Arthur said as Cath charged, and Arthur struck. With a single strike of Excalibur Cath was obliterated.

"Everyone, are you all okay? Did... you..." Arthur soon passed out but not before Salem could catch him. "Merlin. I think its best we bring Arthur to Liones quickly." Elizabeth spoke.

"You're really too good to people, Sis. But after all we've done, we can no longer associate ourselves with you. Any of you." "Or, rather, we can no longer involve you in our selfish whims." The twins spoke as the Sins looked shocked. "Salem, what are you saying?" Ban questioned.

"We must part ways my love. For good this time. Live your life with Elaine. And raise that precious child together. As I will raise mine." Salem stated summoning both nexus crystals. Both glowing and glistening in the sunlight. "They have finally matured. All they need now is the ritual and they will breathe new life."

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