Shadows of the Past

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We see Salem standing in front of a kneeling Gerheade as he held a glowing red crystal-like heart in his hand. Jericho looked at him in shock as Salem stared at the blonde fairy with a serious face. "If you think you can hurt my beloved, and get away with it... Then you've got another thing coming." Salem said as his gaze was fixated on the fairy. Salem then saw Ban's body move, telling him that he was okay and waking up. Gerheade then tried to summon another vine to attack Ban but before she could even lift a finger, she felt a large sharp pain in her chest as she screamed in agony. Jericho was confused by the fairy's sudden cries of pain, but then she saw Salem slowly squeezing the glowing heart in his hand. "Salem, what did you do?"


"I magical technique I, myself, created. By any normal biological means, tearing one's heart out means instant death... However, when using this technique you create what I call an "Enchanted Heart". Reaching into a person's body and grabbing their heart with magic. This shocks and induces a lot of pain to the victim, thus the victim cannot oppose the ripper." Salem stated leaving everyone and even a now awakened Ban shocked. "What can one do, when they have the heart in their possession?" Jericho asked in curiosity and a slight bit of fear. "The user of an enchanted heart can do a lot of things with it but I'll tell you the two basic things. You can control the victim's actions and speech by simply speaking into the heart." Salem said into the heart as Gerheade spoke the same words. "And you can crush it... killing the victim." Gearheade then began to cry out in pain as Salem began to slowly crush the magical heart, but then stopped. "Oh... And one little fun fact: people with their hearts ripped out are unable to feel any true emotion until the heart is restored." The white haired male informed as everyone's eyes widen in shock and maybe even horror.

Salem then began to squeeze the heart, digging his claw-like nails into it as Gerheade began to scream in pain. But then a slightly larger hand grabbed his wrist. His fuchsia red eyes met with crimson ones as they stared into each other's, neither saying anything, both eyes slightly narrowing and brows furrowing as if they where having a silent conversation. The silence was broken as Salem let out a frustrated sigh, turning away in defeat as Ban let go of his wrist. "Fine." "Thanks, Salem." "You're lucky that I love you." Salem stated as they two lovers shared a soft smile. Salem then walk over to Gerheade and returned the heart back into her chest. "If you ever do anything to harm him, or Elaine every again... I will kill you. Got it?!" Salem said as his hand was still deep within her chest. "I-I vow to protect Lady Elaine's body with my life!" The fairy said frantically. Salem's feline-like eyes stared into her single violet eye. "Good." Salem then removed his hand out of her chest as she began gasping for air

"Now then--" Salem was interrupted by a large earthquake, which caused Jericho to lose her balance and fall, hitting her head with a large root, knocking her unconscious. Ban held Salem protectively as they sensed a tremendous clash of magical power coming from outside. "Ban, hold on to me." Salem then wrapped his right arm around Ban's slender yet muscular waist as the white haired male began to levitate carrying his beloved outside, with Gerheade following close behind, while the small male fairy Puora stayed behind to watch over Jericho. When they arrived they saw that King was facing off against a gigantic, thin, gangling creature, the size of a mountain, that appeared to be formed from then earth, but possessed black marks, typical to the of the demon clan.

"The hell is that thing?!" Ban exclaimed in shock as they gazed upon the creature. "A weapon of the Demon race, sealed away 3,000 years ago... an Albion." Salem stated with a stern face as they gaze upon their creature which was being fought off by King. King then turned his sacred treasure Chastiefol, into it's second configuration "Guardian" as the large green, four armed bear tried to attack the creature. But was swatted away by the Albion. King transformed Chastiefol back into its normal spear for and used his "Bumblebee" technique to attack it but the Albion was unfazed by his attack an simply smacked him downward. But as he fell, King transformed Chastiefol into its fifth configuration "Increase" as he sent his many daggers to swarm and attack the golem, but once again had no effect as the large golem blasted them away with a large last from its mouth. The many inhabitants of the Fairy King's forest and the two lovers watch as he fell from a great height. Gerheade tried to help him, to which King told her to stay away, but just as she was about to reach him, the Albion swung a long arm and attacked the Great Tree.

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