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~~~Anna's POV~~~

l am surprised to find that Nathan is driving us somewhere still on the island. l was expecting him to fly us back to the UK since he said that he has bought us a house.

l hope that he didn't spend too much on it.

Of course l want a big house where my little girl can run around and have free space but we don't need a massive mansion that we are never going to use.

l look around at all the bright and clear skies that before used to blind me but now they just remind me of the happiness l have found again.

l don't have parents or a husband to worry about, l just need to focus on bringing my baby healthily into this world.

We drive for about 30 minutes before he pulls into a hedge driveway and even from where we are l can see the house is lit up and the beach can be seen from the back.

l am in awe of the house and even tear up a little thinking that this might be the house where l will raise my children and spend my life, with Nate.

"Please tell me this is not some sick joke?" l ask as l rush to get out of the car.

"There is no joke, this is your house and l would love it if you invite me to live with you." he says in a posh British accent and l laugh and don't answer as l run ahead, or well waddle with the size of my stomach.

l then feel him come from behind me and wrap his arms around my middle and bring me closer to him.

"Don't overdo it, we have enough time to see the house and look around." he says and l find it kind of cute how he is worried about the baby, means he'll be a good dad.

"Walking is overdoing it when you have a freaking ballon for a stomach."l huff and continue to waddle on my way up the driveway.

"You have never looked more beautiful to me, you are carrying our baby and that is the best gift we could get in this short life." he says and damn these hormones. l pull him down and kiss him passionately.

l pull away after l feel the need for oxygen.

After what feels like 10 minutes we made it to the front door of the house.

"With the size of this house l might need a golf car to get around." l joke as l look around the place.

"l can buy you one if you need it."Nate quickly jumps in and l laugh at how adorable he is.

"l was only joking."l laugh and he still looks at me confused.

He unlocks the front door and instead of taking me around the first floor he surprises me by taking us up the stairs and he made me close my eyes when we were standing in front of a closed door.

"This room was made even before l knew you were pregnant but l was hoping that we could start a family here so l had to include this into the plan." he says nervously and l smile already knowing what the room is.

He opens the door and when l take the sight in front of me for the first time in the last 5 months l feel completely happy that l am having a baby. Before there would always be something on my mind about how l would provide and would l be a good mother but now l can't wait to hold my bundle of joy and sit on this pink chair as l rock back and forth.

"Do you like it?" he ask and l hug him, or in my case extend my arms as far as l can reach and hope that they will go halfway around his waist.

He laughs at my failed attempt and l glare at him, making him stop immediately.

"Do you think me bloating and not being able to move is funny?Just for that you are giving me back and foot massages twice a day until the baby is 5 months old." l say while putting my hands on my hips and he smirks which is the complete opposite reaction l was expecting.

"Sweetheart, that is in no way a punishment for me. You just gave me a free pass to touch and massage your delectable body without any chance of you backing off in a fit of hormones. You just gave me another great gift for the next 8 months." he says and then takes my hand to lead me outside.

I am still in awe of this house and the fact that I literally only have to go down a flight of stairs and I'm at a beach.

"This not just some beach, this is our own private beach." he smiles at me while helping me take of my shoes so I can walk in the sand.

"You didn't have to spend this much money on a house. We would be perfectly fine with a small 2-3 bedroom house." I say while looking around and trying to figure out how much this must have set him back.

We really don't need all of this space, I'm not saying I don't like it since anyone would be lucky to have a house like this.

"One, this is nothing compared to seeing you so happy and two, I am planning on having more than one child and this is perfect for them to play in. All we have to do is baby proof the stairs and rooms since I didn't think we would need to do that this quickly. " He says as he once more holding me close to his body.

He hasn't let go of me for a moment, even when driving he was holding my hand.

"Let's take a walk." I suggest and I start walking along the shore and watch as the skies start to darken and the colours start to show and glow.

"Perfect." he says and when I look at the sunset and our surrounding I have to agree.

"It really is perfect here and don't you dare say it." I warn him as I look over my shoulder. he just smirks at me and opens his mouth but stops when he sees something ahead of me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me so my back is facing the thing and I am really curious now .

He covers my face with both of his hands on each of my cheeks and looks into my eyes. Damn I wish the baby gets his eyes.

He leans down to plant a hot and passionate kiss onto my lips and for some reason the setting and mood and state I am in made this the best kiss I have ever had.

He tilted his head and traced his tongue on my lower lip while biting on it gently and I open up to him immediately and tangle my hands in his hair.

We have to pull away in order to breathe and from the corner of my eyes I can see a faint glow of something and once again my brain it trying to focus on trying to think what is behind me.

"Please cover your eyes and I will lead you towards the last surprise, don't peak." he says and pecks my lips as I close my eyes.

All my senses are heightened and maybe we can try blindfolding in the bedroom. Stupid pregnancy hormones!

He turns me around and leads me a couple of steps away before he takes his hands away from my eyes but tells me to keep my eyes closed for just a while longer.

I then feel him take my hand in his and tells me that I can now open my eyes and when I do he is nowhere in sight and then I remember that he is holding my hand so I look down and see him onto one knee.

"Anna you came into my life in the most of bizarre ways but you turned my ordinary and boring life into something worth writing and dreaming about. l am the happiest l have ever ever been and it's all because of you and the little girl inside you. lt would make me the happiest and luckiest man in the galaxy for you to agree to marry me and build a family until we both shall live. Will you marry me?" he asks and l grab the ring, putting it on my ring finger and drag his surprised face so l can kiss him.

"Of course l would love to be married to you." l laugh and he smirks.

"Good because we are getting married tomorrow." and with that he picks me up and runs towards the water.

Epilogue will be coming in the next 1-2 days!


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