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The house to the side------->


He pushes me up the stairs and into the last room on the corridor, l guess that this was his room when he was a child. He turns me around and pushes me into the wall and kisses me.

His kiss is hard and almost punishing, the force of it excites me but it's too soon and flashbacks from last night come to the front of my mind.

I am too broken right now.

l push him away and l try to hold my tears back, since l don't have my makeup with me and coming back down with raccoon eyes would not be the best idea.

"I'm here sweetheart, l have found a way for us to be together, you just have to leave him and come home with me again. The house feels so empty without you." he says and tries to bring me back into his arms but l move back, just our of his reach.

l hate to see the hurt in his eyes but when is he going to understand that we can't keep going backwards and forwards, hurting ourselves in the process. Giving our hearts hope when there is none for us.

"You know l can't do that and l don't want to do that." l lie and the words are bitter in my mouth and l want to take them back but he needs to believe them in order for both of us to try and move on.

"You're lying, l can tell. You can't fool me that easily sweetheart." he says in a hard voice and he moves closer to me once more. l move back and l hope he gives up since l don't know just how many time l can push him away when my whole being is craving to be with him and near him.

"l am fooling no one. What we had was a mistake and l am sorry if l had lead you on to believe in something that is not real." l say looking at the space between his eyes since l can't bring myself to look in his bright and shining eyes which can see right through me.

"l know you are lying and that is one mistake l will fight for because l want to repeat it over and over again for the rest of my life." he says and closes the small space between us and gives me the sweetest and shortest kiss, that leaves me craving more.

"Let's go so you can meet my parents,they are your future parents in law." he smiles at me and I nearly laugh at the irony.

"They already are." l tell him and he winces when l remind him that l am married to his brother. That was something l did not expect, l thought they just worked together.

"Technically but you are married to the wrong brother." he says confidently and drags me back to him and gives me a possessive kiss, one that l can't help but respond to.

l get lost in his touch and when he pulls away to breathe l realize once more where l am and what l am here for.

l turn to leave the room with Nathan right behind me.

"l don't believe you when you say that we are a mistake, you learn from your mistakes but we are drawn to each other and we keep going back to each other. We are meant to be and l am a stubborn ass man and I'm not letting you get away once again.." he says at the top of the stairs where l stopped so l can put a little bit of lip gloss on.

"I hope for your sake that you give me up." l whisper and peck his lips one last time before walking down the stairs and into the dinning room where everyone is seated.

"What did Nathan want?" asks Matt once l sit down next to him but he whispers the words, doesn't say them out loud for his parents to hear.

"He wanted to ask me about surprising you." l lie since l don't want Nathan to get in trouble.

"It's so cute when you try to surprise me, princess." he says aloud and kisses me, probably on purpose in front of Nathan.

His parents are frowning at us while Nathan looks murderous and clears his throat and when Matt pulls away from me, he sends him a smirk.

The dinner is a little awkward and when it's time for dessert l stand up and rush to help, just trying to find an excuse to get away from the tense atmosphere in the room.

We chat on the way to the kitchen but l did not expect for Matt's mum to stop me and look so serious when she was joking through the whole dinner.

"Honey, l really like you but is Matt forcing you to be with him?" she asks me and l am stuck on the spot since you don't really expect to hear this from you mother-in-law.

"Of course he is not forcing me to be with him." l lie and she frowns at me, l can tell that this woman has a built in lie detector.

"You don't have to lie to me honey, l want to help you. Matt hasn't been the best man he could be and he has a weird reputation with women, l was wondering how he got a nice girl like you and also you seem a bit young to be with a guy twice your age." she says in a motherly tone and it just makes me miss what l never had even more.

A caring mother.

l told her everything and she held me in her arms while l cried but before she could storm back into the room, there was banging on the door and we all went to see who it was.

We opened the door to police men.

"We are here too arrest Annabelle White for illegal escort services. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can be held against you in court." they say before strapping my hands in hand cuffs behind my back, l was still frozen but l could hear everyone behind me screaming and arguing.

"Who has made this accusation?" shouted Nate. One of the police men was about to answer him but then a woman made her way through the police and l looked into the face of one of the maids from the house.

"l told them the truth since he paid for her and also because l am pregnant with Matt's baby." she smiles at me like she has won something but she can keep that asshole to herself.

As soon as l get out of jail l am going far away from here, away from everyone.


how do guys like the frequent updates?

my goal is to finish this story by the end of this month or January at the latest because l am really excited to post a new werewolf story!

l will let you know when it is posted so you can go and check it out but for now let me know if you like this chapter and can we please get this story to 1000 reads! We are so close!

thank you for reading

Until Next Time

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