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~~~Anna's POV~~~

How sad!

I am sitting at a bar in Hawaii and I am having the worst time of my life.

It's been 5 months since l ran from life and it's depressing to say that no one has come look for me or even try to contact me.

I know I went away for a reason but that didn't mean that I never wanted to speak to any of them again.

I know I am going back on my word but blame the thing inside me.

"Can I get you a drink?" Says a deep voice from beside me and I look up to a quite good looking guy that has blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Can't you see that I am taken?" I say and motion to my protruding stomach.

"I don't see your baby daddy anywhere so how about that drink?" He still asks but I just sit here confused.

Why would he want to buy a pregnant woman a drink when this is Hawaii and there are thousands of pretty girls that still look good in a bikini?

"Her baby daddy is here so you step aside." comes the all to familiar voice from behind me and I don't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"Sorry man, I though she was a free girl." the guy apologizes and leaves me with a warm smile which I return.

I take the last big gulp of my juice and stand up, not bothering to acknowledge the man trailing me.

We both know that we need to talk and work things out for the welfare of the baby but I doubt that he is still single and pining over me.

That's what I've been doing for the last 5 months.

It's great when you can use pregnancy hormones to explain your sudden mood swings and constant change of opinion.

I lean down to take off my shoes but guess what?


My stomach is in the way and in the next second I feel comforting arms come around my middle and lift me up so that I am being carried onto the beach.

"Put me down! I can still walk!" I shout at the man carrying me but of course he doesn't do it and keeps walking so I stop struggling and let him take my whole weight so then he will realise that I have gained weight and he can't carry me any more.

"I am never going to get tired of having you in my arms." he says and sits down onto the sand with me still in his lap.

I try to move away but he holds me to him and hides his head in my neck.

I can feel his body shaking and I turn surprised to find him crying into my shoulder while squeezing me to him, as much as my stomach would allow.

"I have never missed someone as much as I have missed you. You have no idea. The past months have been absolute hell and as much as I love you and knew that you needed space, I spent every day trying to find you before my mum hit me over the head and made me realize you might be here." he starts to say and he looks up at me with his watery eyes and I have never seen him look so vulnerable.

"I was always here, all you had to do was find me." I say with my own share of tears in my eyes.

"I hoped you would be waiting for me but I never realized where you could be. I always thought that you would go some place where I would never find you." he says looking at me with hurt and hope in his eyes.

"I came here with the intention of not speaking to anyone but quickly realized that I could never live without you. Then I found out I was pregnant and had to tell you since I would never keep that from you." I say and his gaze is not onto my whale of a stomach.

"What is the chance that he is not mine but Matt's?" He asks and I can see the fear in his eyes that the little baby growing inside me is not his.

"There is absolutely no chance of that since we only had sex once and he was wearing a condom." I say trying to smile but at the mention of Matt he freezes and tenses up.

"Please let's just leave that behind us." he says in a hard tone and plants a kiss onto my shoulder making my whole body light up.

Damn those stupid hormones!!

"That's where it is. Now what do you wanna do about the baby?" I ask suddenly scared that he won't want to be a part of his baby's life.

"We are going to get married, I'm going to spend a month in bed with you to make up for lost time and when our little treasure arrives then we will be ready and be the best parents we can be." he says and this time it's my turn to cry as I cling to him.

"I thought you'd say that you want nothing to do with me or the baby." I cry and he laughs at me so I punch his shoulder.

"Don't laugh at me." I say while pouting and just like that his gaze is on my lips.

"Don't pout if you're not ready for me to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to my hotel room." he says in a husky tone that I know will continue to send chills down my spine for the rest of my life.

"I am ready for that since my hormones are all over the place and you are going to enjoy me being pregnant. Lucky you finding me at the good part where you get something." I tease him but I guess he is not in a teasing mood.

"You have no idea how happy you have made me. I am going to be a daddy." he says while pressing his face into my stomach and whispering the last words to our baby inside me.

"Daddy loves you and mummy very much but right now l need you to go to sleep so daddy can take mummy home and show her the new house." he says smiling while looking up at me and this might be the best moment of my life.

The love of my life is holding me like l am the most precious thing in the world and he is showing me, not telling me that he will do anything for us and our little angel that is growing inside me.

"You bought a house?" l ask quietly since if l speak up then my voice will break and that's not a pretty thing to hear.

"Of course l did! l came here to get you back and you being pregnant is just an extra bonus for me." he says and pecks my forehead.

"You already have me back, you don't have to lay it on so thickly." l say laughing but he doesn't.

Man, l must have lost my sense of humour.

"l am going to show you how much l love every day of the rest of our lives because l saw what it was like without you." he says and leans in to kiss me.



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