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~~~Nathan's POV~~~

5 months later

l continue to sit through another boring meeting and force my mind not to wander off and once more go into the back of my mind where there is only one thing going through my head.

Where is she?

l have asked myself that for months now and it's not like l don't want to find her, l can't!

l have hired investigators and whatever you could think of but the only things l have left of her is her last note and all the memories.

l have even stood as low as to beg Matt to tell me where she is but he assured me that he doesn't know and the only good news was that they got divorced and when l find her, l can make her mine for the whole world to know.

"Gentlemen let's come to a quick decision and l want to say that this deal is off, you have given me false information and are talking around in circles trying to convince me of nothing." l say and throw the folder with the correct information about the company on the table and then walk out of the room, leaving the board looking surprised.

l have never done anything like that and have been more than committed to my job but it just feels worthless when l am going home to an empty and cold house.

When you get a taste of something as amazing as l did, for no matter how long you feel the loss and lack of emotion when you lose that one thing in your life that made you smile and the world shine when your day at work just made you want to commit a crime.

l had that but life wanted to be an asshole and take it away from me.

l know l shoudn't give up but l'm tired and l have no idea where to look. l have even gone to see her parents in jail to see if they knew anything about this.

All l know is that she took a place somewhere and has a house from the marriage but Matt won't tell me where it is since he is sure she would not go back there.

l am supposed to be getting information today on the wherebouts of the house since l am so desperate that l would look anywhere for her even if there is less than little chance of finding her.

Her parents didn't leave anything to her, Matt won't tell me where the house is and just when l think he will, he is called home to look after his little girl.

Yes Matt is now a single parent of a beautiful little girl named Maya and l can positively say that l have never seen him so in love since before her death.

Things have not gone back to the way they were with us since he did horrible things to the love of my life but l am trying to not punch him every time l see him which is hard since we work together.

l slam my office door and just before l can lock it my phone rings and by the ring tone l can tell it's my mother.

l walk to my desk and pick up the call and fall into my chair.

"Hello mum." l say while running my hand down my face.

"Don't mother me! When are you going to find her and bring my girl back home?Huh? It has been nearly 5 months and you are looking worse than a hobo from the street who hasn't see the daylight for years! Go find her and make things right, l would like to think that l didn't raise an idiot." shouts my mum and l receive these calls from her at least once a week.

She really fell in love with Anna and who wouldn't but there is nothing more l could do than l already am.

"I am doing everything l can mum. It's like she has disappeared from the face of the Earth and no one knows anything." l raise my voice in frustration and l am met with silence on the other end of the phone.

"l know you are suffering honey so try and think of a place where she would be comfortable or most likely to go to when she needs to find herself. Did you ever think that she is somewhere and waiting for you to go and get her? You have to hurry since she won't wait forever and any other guy will fall in love with her just as easily as you did." sometimes l think that she says things like this just to make me angry.

Everyone knows that the men in my family are possessive and would kill for their women so even mentioning another man with your woman can get you punched.

It's disrespectful and hurtful and it does no one favours when someone lies.

"l am thinking and even though you are my mother you know how l feel about her being with another man. Don't you think that l know that every second l am sat here in this miserable office she might be out there and happy with someone else?" l shout down the phone and regret it the second after.

lt's not my mum's fault and she is not part of any of this.

"l'm sorry mummy." l say and l can hear her laugh on the other side and l frown thinking that my mum is not normal.

"What mother would l be if l don't kick you in the butt once in a while?" she asks and l laugh along with her, my mother really can be a weird case most of the time.

"l love you mamma." l say and she says the same and we hang up.

l start thinking of what she told me and there is only one place that we were both together and l cannot believe how stupid l was until now!

l though she would go somewhere like Switzerland or France to relax but now l know that she went back to the place where it all began and where she would feel the happiest.

l run out of my office and shout something back to my secretary and then carry on my way to Matt's office.

"The house is in Hawaii, isn't it?" l say as soon as l storm through the door and he looks up at me with a smirk.

"Took you a while." he laughs and l glare at him for keeping this from me for months.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me this sooner?!" l shout at him and he gets a serious look on his face.

"She needed time to herself when l last saw her so it was the least l could do, let her have time to herself and find out what she really wants." he says and l can see the logic behind his thinking but did it really have to be 5 months!?

l nod and then run out of the room since having this conversation is delaying me from flying and finally going to meet her.

l had already had the plane ready for any time of the day if l found her and l am glad my dad gave me this advice or l would have had to wait for the plane to get ready.

lt's for me to fly and FINALLY get a coconut land on my head so l can wake up from this nightmare and into the arms of my to-be wife.

lt's about bloody time!

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